Chapter 10

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Still a bit dazed, I began to make Pancakes. A special recipe which passed through my family. I wonder if the Pines family likes them.
I hope so though.

These Pancakes brought me back in time. I was thinking about the first time I ate them. I were at my grandmas house for the weekend and she made them for me for the very first time.

I was about six or seven years old. I remember asking for more and more and more till I was so full I couldn't eat anything else that day.
But my grandma enjoyed the cooking. She always enjoyed herself around me. And so did I.

I wanted to know the recipe but she told me she would pass it to me in time.
When I earned to know it, she said.

My mother never got the recipe though. I don't even know why... but as it was my 16th birthday, which happened to be a week after my grandma passed, I got a present from her. She prepared it some time before I guess. Or she told my mom to pass it to me.

The present was the pancake recipe and an amulet with an eye as pendant. I never questioned it. My mom told me that it's protecting me from the bad but I don't know about that, actually. I wore it literally every day and a lot of bad things happened to me the last years.
I'm even wearing it right now.

Sometimes I really miss her. She was the person I could talk to when mom and dad were fighting again. She was the one to protect me from my fears. She was always there for me. Other than my parents.
I mean, don't get me wrong. I love them. They're my parents. But they could give me some more attention sometimes and at least act like they'd support me with what I'm doing.

They're giving me the feeling that I'm doing everything wrong. No matter what I'm doing. The dishes, schoolwork, working. Everything's not enough. There is always something wrong with the things I'm doing.

I sighed and shook the thought off. I didn't notice my eyes began to water up. I smiled hurt and began to make the pancakes. The twins are probably already starving. Especially Mabel.

As I was halfway through with preparing the breakfast, Mabel rushed inside of the kitchen.
„Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!", she said and jumped up and down.
„Woah, woah woah. Calm down, Mabel. What's wrong?", I asked her seriously.
„Our mayor died!"
„What?!", I yelled shocked.

„There will be a town hall meeting this afternoon to discuss replacing him.", Dipper explained, who just came into the kitchen.
I kept quiet and continued making the pancakes.
„Wow...", I whispered.
„Ya know. He was very old... and he probably died happily!", Mabel said trying to cheer me up.
I slightly smiled at her. „Thanks Mabel. You're probably right."

„But now, eat something.", I said putting the plates on the table.
„Oooh I smell pancakes!!", Mabel said excitedly and hopped onto a chair. Dipper sat down next to her.

Finally Stan's head peaked through the kitchen door as well.
„Come on Stan. Sit down.", I chuckled and put the pancakes in the middle of the table.
Mabel and Dipper began to eat immediately.
„Hey hey! Leave something left for your Grunkle Stan!", he said, and sat down as well.
I chuckled and grabbed another plate with three pancakes and left the kitchen.

As I was standing in front of the vending machine, I doubt my idea already.
Ugh you know what? Nevermind I'm going down there.

I put in the pin and walked down the stairs.
„Hello, Stanford. Sorry for another interruption today. But I thought you might want to eat something.", I said as I reached the floor.
„Oh, Y/N! You can place it on the desk.", he said, not looking up from whatever he was doing.
I nodded even though he didn't see it.

„What are you doing?", I said placing it on the desk next to him.
„I'm looking through my journals. Dipper left some notes and even wrote new pages.", he said and laughed. „This boy has serious potential."
„I guess he does.", I chuckled.

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