Chapter 2

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After we ate, we went upstairs. Stan said we should go to sleep. But there was just no way we would do that, right?

Mabel jumped into her bed. "Aaah wonderful warm. Oh, hi Waddles!" The pig looked at me and tilted its head. I giggled. "Hey Waddles.", I greeted him and pet him on the head. He gave me an happy oink.

"Awwww he likes you!", Mabel grinned. I only laughed at her comment. I looked towards Dipper, who was sitting on his bed and was reading his book again. "So... what exactly is this book about? Are there more of them?", I asked curious. Dipper looked up and towards Mabel. "Tell her, Dipper. She's our friend after all."

He slightly sighed and closed the book. "Alright. But promise not to tell anyone.", he said stern. "Yes, I promise.", I answered. I don't care what I have to do but I really want to know what this book is all about. This whole mystery thing made me curious as hell.
"The genial author of this journal, who I'm still trying to figure out who it is, obviously wrote more than just one journal, since this is his 3th. The author looked for anomalies and since Gravity Falls is known for its strange sights, he stayed here and studied the different anomalies over the years. All he found out, he wrote down. In his journals is mostly written about any kind of monster, ghost or anything like that. I found this journal in the woods by accident. Since then I became interested in all this anomalie stuff and I'm trying to find the author, like I already said. This town is full of strange things and the author even said to trust no one. That's why I have what you may call trust issues. But you are Mabel's best friend so I hope we can trust you. Maybe you would even like to go with us to search these monsters.", he explained.

Mabel almost fell asleep while he stated all that happened. "Thanks for telling me, Dipper. I swear that I'll be helping you two find the author. Actually I'm really interested in this whole anomalie stuff.", I smiled. He gave me a small smile back and then Mabel grabbed me by my collar. "Woah-", I choked. "Oops, sorry haha.. Uh but... You're MY best friend. So... are we gonna tell us girly things like who's our crush or something?", she said excited.

I heard Dipper sighing in disbelieve. I chuckled a little. "Okay, fine Mabel. But I'm sorry to ruin your imaginations but I don't have a crush." Mabel widened her eyes and gasped. "OHMYGOSHI'MGONNAFINDYOUABOYFRIEND!", she babbled and I could barely understand what she was saying. "Come on Mabel, I'm not even interested in a boyfriend lately.", I tried to calm her down. "Yeah but only because you haven't found the right one yet.", she grinned and rubbed her hands together. Oh man, she's already making plans.

"What about you?", I changed the subject. "Oh, you don't want to know.", Dipper mumbled, still looking into the journal. Mabel shortly glared at him. "Well, there was Norman... he was really nice and sweet but he turned out to be lots of gnomes.", she explained and shrugged. "GNOMES?!", I looked at her amazed. "How the heck did you not notice the boy you liked was a few gnomes?!", I began to laugh.

"I got to say, he didn't look like a gnome at all.", Dipper said. "Yeah, Dipper first thought he was a zombie.", Mabel giggled. "Oh my god.", I only said. "And then there was this boy band. Aah that's not really special, though. But their Manager kind of... uh how do you say that Dip-Dip? bred? Welp, they were kind of aliens."

I looked at her shocked. "Wow..", was the only thing coming out of my mouth. "And then there was this puppet guy... or was it this merman? Well, both were a terrible flop. Oh and Dipper kissed this Merman!", Mabel laughed. "H-Hey! I had to save him! So I gave him mouth to mouth! Well...with water.", Dipper stuttered embarrassed. I chuckled.

I saw Mabel yawning. "Are you tired already?", I smiled at her. "Nah.", she said but yawned again. "Come on, Mabel. Just sleep if you're tired."

"I ain't tired... yeah okay I'm going to sleep.", she said. I shortly giggled and layed down as well. Dipper was still reading that book. "Hey, Dipper?", I asked, whispering. "Yeah?" "Can I look into the journal too, perhabs? When you got the time, I mean."

He thought for a moment. "Alright." I smiled and closed my eyes. I fell asleep rather quickly.

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