Chapter 21

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"We don't really have to split up, you know.", Mabel said.
"Yea, we can still find every player together.", Dipper agreed sweating a bit.

"Hmm... but that's no fun at all!", Orenda pouted.
"If we'd find everyone, where should we bring them?", I asked.
"Why, here of course!", she giggled.

I nodded. "I'd love to see you guys handle this on your own...", she mumbled.

Me and Ford shared a look.
"It would be faster...", he thought aloud.
"Oh-oh! I promise you this one, everyone will be safe!", Orenda promised.
"If that's so...", Dipper started.
"We'll split."

Y/N's point of view:

"You will need to go north to find Tim, Amanda and Jack. Just follow the tracker and you'll find them!", Orenda cheered.
"And why again do we have to do that?"
"To get out, of course."

I sighed and looked back to the others.
"See you soon, I guess.", I said waving and walked off.

I looked at the tracker. All three are located at the same spot. Easier for me.
But how am I going to explain that to them?
Do we also have trackers somewhere on us? did Orenda manage to put them on?

I shook my head. I don't understand a lot of things here but I hope I'll get some answers in the end.

Stanford's point of view:

Y/N headed off.
"Please stay safe!", Mabel yelled but she didn't hear her.
I had a really bad feeling about this whole thing. And then this woman.
She's just... behaving so weirdly. I don't like her.
There has to be something up with her.

"You! You will go eastbound to find Charlie, Sarah and Max.", she demanded.
I crossed my arms.
"Don't worry, they're nice... most times."
I opened my mouth to say something in return but she sprinted towards Dipper already.
This little...

My hands formed into fists, I went into the direction she told me to go. I looked at the tracker. This felt so wrong and I can't even explain why. Something is off, and I feel it.
Why are there only 10 players? Who is Orenda? And why do these players have trackers??

Dipper's point of view:

"Please stay safe!", my sister yelled. I just noticed Y/N was already gone. I just hope we will come together at one piece again. I'm really concerned. Especially about Mabel.
She doesn't take this whole thing seriously.

"Hey hey hey! Boy with the blue cap! You will go southern to find Ernie and Mike.", Orenda said and turned towards Mabel.
"Wait wait- that's it?", I asked.
She grinned. "That's it."

I scratched my neck. "Okay then... see you soon Mabel..."
She waved and smiled.

I was looking into the direction Ford was going. We're all separated now. This would be perfect for someone to attack us. We couldn't defend ourselves alone.
I sighed. But maybe this all really just is a game and I'm just overthinking.

I was looking at my tracker to realise Ernie and Mike weren't located at the same place.
Mike wasn't that far away, though. Maybe I should look for him first...

Mabel's point of view:

"And now it's your turn, Mabelino. You will walk into this direction-", the lady said and pointed left from me.
"-and you will find Millie and Susen for me."
I nodded with a smile. "Aye aye, ma'am!"
"That's the spirit!"

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