Chapter 49

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Stanford's point of view:

A loud scream jolted me out of my sleep. At the same time, Y/N and I jumped out of bed and rushed down the stairs, since the scream appeared to be downstairs.

She arrived faster in the kitchen than me and abruptly stood still in the doorframe.
As I arrived next to her, I turned to look at Stanley, who was standing next to - .... A broken window.

„What happened?", Dipper asked, also running down the stairs. Mabel arrived shortly after.

Everyone looked expectantly at my twin brother.
„So?", Y/N asked.
Stanley leaned against the table. „Your damn deer was here. And it stole all the breakfast!"


„Are you sure you're not only telling us that because you ate all the food?", Mabel wanted to know with her eyes squeezed together and a finger pointing at Stanley

Y/N's point of view:

So we were back in the forest. But this time we literally just had to find the deer! It couldn't have made it this far yet.
With a quick step, we walked around.

„There it is.", Dipper whispered, pointing at an animal a little further away.
We stopped and did not make a single sound. If we made just one wrong move then it could be that-

Stanford and me turned around to Dipper and Mabel, who had sneezed at the exact same time.

Pitter patter could be heard and when I turned my head back around, the deer was long gone.
I groaned in disbelief.

„Sorry.", Mabel began guiltily.
„Pollen allergy.", Dipper added.

Of course, we didn't give up.

Apparently, in all the rush this morning, the twins had forgotten to take their pills for those pesky pollens and grasses everywhere.
And now they were sneezing all the time.
Which made our hunt for the deer a lot more difficult, but didn't let us give up.

I guess the defeat yesterday was enough for everyone.

But it came to the point where I was actually getting worried about the twins, so I tugged on Ford's sleeve, as they were walking in front of us.

He reacted and came closer to my face, as I motioned that I wanted to whisper something to him.
„The kids look horrible, their eyes are all red and watery and their nose and eyelids are swollen."
He nodded. „I know, should we go back?"
I stayed silent for a few seconds.
„I could bring them back to the Shack and then return to you."

Mabel had apparently heard me and turned around dramatically.
„I am fine! I'll not go- HACHOO! back to the Sha-ck."
I put my lips together and looked at Ford.

„No you are definitely heading back."

It took me a while to find back to Stanford. But when I did, he was watching something. So I knelt down next to him very carefully, not wanting to scare anything away.

„Found it?", I asked in a whisper and he got startled, slightly jumping.
I tried to suppress my laughter.
„Y/N!", he whisper-hissed.
„You scared me!"
I snorted.

„Anyways, yes I did find it. Look.", he answered my question and pointed at something.
It was the herd of deer Eleanore told us about. And there was, in fact, only one deer that looked suspicious.

„I don't understand, how can there only be one of them?", Ford asked himself.
„Maybe a new mutation?", I guessed.
„Probably. But how? I thought all the abnormalities got erased with Cipher..."

„Maybe there's a new source of weirdness? Like... a portal or anything.", I continued to guess, not making Ford feel any better.
„I hope not.", he said.

I didn't continue to talk about this topic, as it seems to bring Ford bad memories.
Instead, we watched the herd and studied them.
Some sketches and comments here and there, till we were satisfied with the information we got.

„So what now? Should we just continue to let it stay here?", I asked Ford.
„This town used to be full of creatures like this guy. Full of... the abnormal. Maybe it's time Gravity Falls remembers what we stand for. Though... I'm afraid the new mysteries will scare them. The people in Gravity Falls don't handle the abnormal so well anymore. It's unusual, confusing and doesn't seem right."

I grabbed his hands, stroking them. „Who said abnormalities are a bad thing?"
He looked at our now intertwined fingers and smiled.
So maybe this is how it all really begins again.

Somewhere way different:

Emptiness. Why is it so empty? So damn quiet and empty?! Not a single voice can be heard. Not one. Normally, the deadly annoying voices overflow, don't they? So where are they now? Where are the voices? What happened to them, the voices? The many, boring voices that haunted me day and night. Where are they?!

I can remember everything very clearly. You, who hummed all those voices into me and then took them away again like it was nothing, yes you, I will haunt you. And if it's the last thing I do. You will pay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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