Chapter 9

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Everyone was now sitting in the living room. Well everyone except for Stanford. If I'm being honest, I'm kinda sad he didn't show up. This should be a nice evening after such a traumatising adventure. But I guess he got more important stuff to do. Who knows what he's working on right now?
He didn't tell us because he thinks it would be too dangerous. At least that's what he told me and Dipper yesterday.
But seriously, what can be more dangerous than that portal Stan built. It literally broke gravity.
But I guess we'll never know if he'll not tell us.

The final scene of the show was now coming on TV.
The Ducktective was quacking in a hospital bed. The subtitle said "I'm going to that big pond in the sky."

"I just don't understand who shot you. The only person clever enough to defeat Duck-tective is-", the man said and gasped.

Just in that moment the man got hit with a bedpan and knocked out. There was another duck looking the exact same as the ducktecive.

"Time to finish the job... TWIN BROTHER!", the subtitle translated the quacking again.
The ducktective quacked terrified. As long as quacking can sound anything.

"He had a twin brother all along?", Mabel asked disappointedly while pouring her chips on Stan. "That's the big twist we've been waiting for!?"

"WHAT A RIP-OFF!", Grenda yelled.
"I predicted that, like, a year ago.", Soos said.
I was silent.

"Sorry Y/N. Didn't think the final episode would be so bad.", Mabel pouted.
"Mh? Ah, uh... not your fault. I think we had a nice evening anyway, right? Well... if we ignore the whole D&D&MoreD thingy."

"You're right. Let's head to bed, it's getting late.", Dipper said yawning and I nodded.
The kids went upstairs but I rested at the door.
"But it's such a coincidence, isn't it?", I said looking at Stan confused.
"What do you mean, kiddo?"
"It's so ironic. I mean, you got your twin brother back and now even the ducktective has a twin brother? That's basically what happened to us."

He looked at me and smiled childish.
"If you ignore the fact that they're ducks and one of them got shot. You should go to bed, kid. You look tired."
I nodded. "You're probably right... Have a good night.", I said and went upstairs.

As I reached Dipper and Mabel's bedroom, Dipper was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey, where's Dipper?", I asked.
"I think he went down to Ford."
I felt a pain in my chest. I don't know why but probably because of the fact that Ford trusted him. Perhaps more than me. Of course he does... Dipper is family. I'm just a random girl.
I sighed and went to bed.

*timescip brought to you by my attraction to old men 🤠

I was walking down the stairs into the kitchen to make breakfast. But as I wanted to turn on the light, it didn't work.
I rubbed my eyes.
"Aw man. Looks like the lightbulb is broken."

I was searching for Stan but couldn't find him. And I couldn't find another lightbulb as well. So what did I do? Of course. I walked into the lab from Ford.

"Stanford? Are you up yet?", I asked yawning.
I could hear rustling. He was probably hiding something from me and again I felt that little pain in my chest.

"Yes? What's the matter?", he asked now looking at me surprised. His look went down and up to my eyes again.
Did he just- did he just look me up and down?
I blinked two times and then realised I was still in my pyjamas. I tried to shake that thought off real quick.
"S-sorry.", he said. "So?"

"Uh, the lightbulb in the kitchen is broken and I can't find Stanley. I was looking for another one but couldn't find any. I wanted to ask if you know where I could get one real quick?", I explained and he nodded.

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