Chapter 7

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"Annddd? What happened?", Mabel asked me, as I entered the door.
"Uh well Stanley said I could go home if I wanted but-"
"BUT YOU SAID NO?! Oh god please tell me you said no.", She babbled.
"Of course I told him I wanted to stay.", I chuckled. "But I think he and Stanford have to talk about that. I mean, it's his shack so technically Ford should decide wether I stay or not."

*Timescip brought to you by Waddles

I was sitting next to Mabel right now, with a book in my lap. She was eating some cheese boodles and sometimes looked into my book but mostly around the living room.

"I just ate a bag of Cheese Boodles without using my hands. Lazy Tuesday, you are delivering in a big way!", she said blowing the empty bag into the air.

"Heh. Yeah. It's nice to finally have a day where nothing interesting happens whatsoever.", Stanley said.
Just in that moment Stanford came out of the vending machine and scared the living hell out of me.

Mabel and Dipper screamed while I jumped up scared.
"Get down! Don't let it taste human flesh!", he said and motioned to a Cycloptopus, a creature I've already read about in one of Ford's journals. He punched it and it dropped at the floor in front of us.

"What is it?!", Dipper screamed.
"Can we keep it?", Mabel asked.
I looked at her amazed. "Keep it?! This thing is trying to eat us!"

"Kill it! Kill it!", Stan said and hit it with a newspaper. It crawled further in my direction so I threw my book at it.
"Nah-ah go away Demon!"

The book hit it and with a weird noise, it got chased into a corner where it made even more weird noises.

"Patience... and Gotcha!", Ford said as the thing screamed. He shocked it with his glove and held its burnt body up really proud.
Awww that face is so cute! Wait hold up stop being so god damn weird Y/N!

"Great. Now get it outta here. It smells like if death could barf!", Stanley said and waved one hand in front of his nose.

"Great uncle Ford! You need any help with that? I've read all about these creatures in your journal, and I think I know how to-", Dipper said running in Ford's direction.
He got interrupted though.

"No! I'm sorry, Dipper, but the dark weird road I travel, I'm afraid you cannot follow. Well, call me for dinner!", Ford said closing the vending machine behind him.
That man is so mysterious and I'm so here for it.

"Maybe next time then? Or not? Or never...", Dipper said more to himself than to us.
"Aww, Dipper, don't take it so hard.", Mabel said.
"No, do take it hard. Take it hard and serious. My brother is a dangerous know-it-all, and the stuff he's messing with is even worse. Do yourself a favor and stay away from him, you hear me?", Stan replied hitting Dipper on the head with his newspaper.

"But, Grunkle Stan, all summer long I've wanted to know who the author of the journal was. Now the guy lives in our basement and I can't even talk to him.", Dipper returned sad and kinda angry.
"Don't worry about what's in the basement. You belong up here with me,Mabel and Y/N.", Stan said.

Yeah right. As if it's not important what's going on down there. This man is a genius and me and Dipper were so amazed by his work only looking at his journals. No wonder he wants to know what he's actually doing now. What is he working on right now? Is it dangerous? Dipper wants to be part of the whole mystery thing. Or perhaps it's only me who feels that way.

"Yeah! Besides, the season finale of Duck-tective is airing this Friday! Y/N this will be the first time watching it huh? You better be ready for the craziest day of your life! That's all the mystery you'll need this week, Dipper. Quack with us, Dipper! Quack, quack quack quack...", Mabel babbled again.
I didnt really pay attention. I don't want to be rude or anything but I'd really appreciate it to see what Ford is doing in his lab. I would rather see the things he's doing than watch this weird show.

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