As I arrive at the centre, I walk inside to see her standing there—bags in hand. I smile and wrap my arms around her. "You totally forgot, you little bitch." she laughs, nudging my shoulder.

She says her final goodbyes to the staff, the ones we actually like. I say my goodbyes and thank those who've helped her—it seems so surreal to be here with her, leaving this part of her life behind.

I load her stuff into the car and begin to drive home, a weight feeling as though it has lifted from my chest—finally. She cocks her head, bringing her fingers to the sleeve of my shirt and tugs on it slightly.

"It's Mason's." I chuckle. I can see the smile appear on her face from the corner of my eye.

"So, you're really back together?"

"We haven't put a label on it, we're taking things slow for now. But, I'm happy. We're happy."

She lets out a small relieved sigh. "I'm glad."

When we arrive at my apartment, I realise this is the first time she's ever been here. Her eyes light up as she walks inside, scanning every inch of the place. "This is lovely, Mar."

"Make yourself at home, it's my day off so I'll be here to hang around and bug you." I joke.

"I don't mind," she smiles. "It'll be like old times."

My phone rings again, and when I look at the name on the screen I clear my throat—it's Steve. Awful timing. My eyes flicker to my mom who is carefully inspecting the kitchen, giving me time to slide into my bedroom.

"Hey." I answer.

"Hey, Mar. I have a big favor to ask you."

"Is everything okay?" I ask cautiously.

"Yes, everything's fine," he sighs. "I have to go away this weekend and Isabella refuses to stay with the sitter, can you take them for a couple of days? Only if you aren't working, I'll convince her to stay somehow I guess, I'm just..." he sighs.

He sounds stressed—really stressed. "Of course I will. They're welcome here anytime, okay? You know that."

"Thank you, Amara. You're a life saver. Is there any way you can pick them up on Friday night?"


"Thank you, really." he tells me with gratitude.

I twirl my hair around my fingers, debating whether to rock the boat. "Hey, Steve?" I begin. "My mom is home."

"She is?" he responds after a brief pause.

"Yeah. She's staying with me for a couple of days, until her place is ready. She won't be here when the girls are... but it would mean the world to her if you'd let me take them to visit."

He falls silent again. "I'll think about it, okay? I promise."

I sigh. "You do know how unfair this is on not only her, but those girls—right? They adore her, and she adores them. Whatever happened between you two, it shouldn't be them who has to pay."

"I'm sorry," he tells me softly. "You can take them to visit for the day, of course you can."

"Really?" I say with wide eyes.

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