Chapter 111.

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I open the door to let him inside, watching as Mason looks at him from behind the counter with worry.

"Privately." he adds.

He looks to me, before turning back to his brother and nodding. He leads Enzo into the bedroom, closing the door... but stopping it discretely with his foot to leave it ajar. I furrow my brow, knowing he wanted me to be able to hear.

I creep forward slowly and stand at audible distance, waiting for the silence to break.

"Spit it out, big brother." Mason scoffs.

"Marco called."

My eyes widen.

"He knows you're here?" Mason replies, sounding concerned.

"More than," Enzo sighs. "He let me come here, he knew before I even stepped foot on the plane. Of course he did. I was fucking foolish to assume otherwise."

"Then why let you? Why not stop you at the airport?"

He doesn't respond. He just sighs.

"What?" Mason pries. "What is it?"

"So that I could bring you back with me."

My breath catches in my throat, and I almost stumble directly through the door.

"You're kidding, right?"

"He let me come here because he knew it would put him in a better position to ask for you back, for me to ask for you back."

"Before you cut me off," he stops Mason from speaking. "You know I miss you over there, little brother. We did business like no other and you're the only one I trust. But, I immediately told him no. That I wasn't going to do that to you. But Mason, I think you should."

"—Are you fucking insane?"

"Would you shut the fuck up for a second and let me speak," Enzo snaps. "Thank you."

"You're still under contract, that hasn't changed. But what has changed is that they can't hurt you. You saving Elio's life was the best thing that could've happened... well, besides you almost dying," he clears his throat. "They can't touch you, and thanks to your contract they can't touch Amara either. This will protect you both. They respect you now Mason, and me, thanks by the way."

I hear Mason scoff. He can't be thinking about it. Right?

"It would only be a few days, okay? I told you how bad things are back home. We wrap shit up and you fly home Monday, Tuesday at the latest. I know a part of you misses it, Mason. It's in our blood."

The sound of the door clicking shut startles me. He doesn't want me to hear anymore. Not the conversation he expected. I take a seat at the counter, ice fills my veins. There's no way he'll do it. This is not happening again.

I reach for the glass of water Mason poured, but my hands are too unsteady. I wonder what they're talking about now. I try to control my breathing, not let my anxiety take over. Not now. I trust him.

A few moments later the door opens and Enzo joins me out here—an unreadable expression on his face. I look to the bedroom where Mason stands with his hand on the door. "Amara," he motions for me to join him.

I prepare myself to stand up, not knowing whether my legs will cooperate. To my surprise, I walk straight into the room. I perch myself on the edge of the bed and look up at him as he closes the door. He sighs.

"Tell me you aren't." I say. My voice doesn't follow my legs' cue, it betrays me and wavers.

"I have to."

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