Chapter 67.

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| This chapter contains explicit content for an 18+ audience only. |

I creep into the kitchen, my hand fumbling against the wall in attempts to find the light switch. "Come on, where is it?" I mumble.

"Up a little." a voice tells me as the light flicks on.


The room lights up to reveal Sam perched on a stool in the kitchen with a bowl in hand.

"Sam, you scared the life out of me," I exhale, my hand clutching my chest. Talk about déjà vu.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I got my appetite back around 4am and couldn't stop thinking about Froot Loops." he shrugs and I laugh.

"You certainly look a lot better," I shake my head in disbelief. "Mind if I take your temperature?"

"Go ahead." he smiles.

I fetch the thermometer and place it in his ear, anxiously waiting for the reading. Meanwhile, he shovels spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth carelessly.

"A perfect reading, Sam. How do you feel?" I say happily. He smiles as he pours himself some more cereal.

"I feel a lot better than I did last night. Thank God it's finally passing." he sighs with relief.

"It's about time, huh?" I chuckle as he smiles at me with gratitude.

He places the now empty bowl onto the counter. "I can finally go back to bed with Dorothy." the wide smile on his face and the happiness in his eyes could melt my heart.

I wake Elijah to tell him the good news, receiving an equally relieved sigh. He came to the kitchen to see for himself, with Sam pouring a cup of tea and greeting him with a grin.

"I'm so glad he's getting better," he tells me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Me too."

"Family gathering in the kitchen?" Dorothy's voice startles us.

"Look," I tell her, pointing to her husband. Her eyes light up as she sees him comfortably sipping his tea and leaning against the counter.

"You two can finally get home now." Sam tells us, stirring the small spoon around the cup.

"No, no. We can stay another night just to be sure." I argue.

"Yeah, another night won't hurt." Elijah agrees.

"Both of you, home." he tells us sternly, wagging his finger in our direction.

"I feel fine. Go home and get some proper rest, I'll call you both tonight." he reassures us. I think as much as they enjoyed our company, they kind of want their alone time now, too.

"You're sure?" I furrow my brow.

"We're sure." Dorothy chimes from behind us, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"And you," she pokes Elijah's shoulder, "Get back to looking for another job."

"Yes, grandma." he chuckles.

"I'll pack our things, take them to your place whilst you're at work." he smiles.

"Stay with me tonight?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Of course."

I make myself a cup of coffee before I have to leave, the thought of being in my own apartment and getting more than two hours sleep tonight feels like bliss. I peer over to Dorothy and Sam who stand at the doorway to the kitchen. He looks at her with so much love, wrapping his arms around her gently. The simple gesture lighting up her features like never before.

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