Chapter 94.

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Mason's POV:

I hold the keys in my hand and furrow my brow. Whatever the hell that was, it's new. I grab a pancake and take a quick look around, only what I can see—I won't go rummaging. I try to get a sense of who she is, but she isn't here. This apartment, it just isn't her. I see a canvas poking out from behind the closet, and pull it out—it's a painting. Not only is it a painting, it's a fucking amazing one.

It's of the stars, the moon—it's the view from her apartment, even though there isn't much of a view at all. She still loves the stars. I pull out another, it's of flowers, similar to the field we both visited. This is her. In these paintings. This is Amara.

I have an idea, and put it aside. For one of the first times since I've been back, I see Amara somewhere in here—in her art. They're dated, and by the looks of it she hasn't painted in a long time. I place them back where they were and make my way out; locking the door and placing the key under the matt like she said.

My phone rings, and I don't recognise the number—which is rare, since I don't talk to very many people.

"Hello, Mason?"

It's Steve, it takes me a minute to realise, and when it does I'm just as fucking confused. "Steve..." I say awkwardly.

"You can start your job next week, you'll be working on a site near home—so it won't be much of a commute." he tells me.

I raise my brow. "How do you know where I live?"

"Let me guess... near Amara," he responds with a hint of sarcasm. I roll my eyes. "I'll text you a number, it's the man who'll fill you in on what your job is and when you're scheduled to be there. It pays well."

"Alright," I sigh, reluctantly building up the tolerance to say— "Thank you."


Bad idea. Horrible idea. I should've learned my lesson when I went to visit Elijah, why do I have these horrible fucking ideas? I never learn. By the time my brain finally sends me the 'leave' signal, it's too late. Her eyes meet mine and her face turns to utter shock. Add in some confusion and what I can only assume is rage.

I sigh and walk towards her, clearing my throat. "Long time no see," I say awkwardly. She doesn't respond, she just stares. "Dawn, I know you probably despise me b-"

Before I can finish, the least probable outcome happens, and she pulls me into her arms. I'm more than surprised at the gesture, but I hug her back. She holds me at arms length and looks me up and down. "You look good." she says.

"You don't look your worst either," I joke.

She laughs. "Nice to see you're still yourself, Mason."

She motions for me to sit down, still staring at me like she's seen a ghost. "You know, Amara talks about you every time she visits; but it's still surreal to see you again."

"Good things I hope."

"Mostly." she smirks.

I can't help but feel I'm doing a little fucking staring of my own. I can't believe how healthy she looks. She looks so happy, and she's basically glowing. Amara said she was coming home, but the last time I seen her it was with a bottle in hand, and it was half empty.

"Dare I ask why you're here, Mason?" she raises her brow.

I sigh, before a smile works it's way onto my face as I say out loud, the phrase I struggle with so profusely. "It just so happens I'm still madly in love with your daughter." I say, and her face lights up.

The Beauty in EternityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora