Chapter 6: The (Not so) Mysterious Girl_Part 2

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Art by me!

"NO! SHE'S NOT STAYING IN MY ROOM!" Flowey continued to protest, but the two wouldn't listen.

"And just let me know if you need anything, alright?" the neighbor stated.

"I will, thanks!" Monika said.

Flowey was about to demand his request again, but it was too late. The neighbor closed the door, leaving him and Monika alone.

The flower grunted in frustration. He was stuck with the new addition to the house and he clearly wasn't happy about that. He felt perfectly fine alone in his room without anyone to bother him. But now, it seems he doesn't have much of a choice.

Monika turned from the door's direction to take a look at her side, but her eyes quickly averted to Flowey's. All the glow in the dark stars on the dark blue walls caught her attention, along with the bed of golden flowers Flowey was in (literally that's his bed).

"Oh Flowey, you're into stars?" Monika curiously asked.

"..yeah..something like that..." He really didn't feel like answering, but he forced himself to anyways.

"That's really cool! I've never thought you'd be into that stuff."

"Heh yeah. You'd be surprised." Flowey said sarcastically.

Monika turned to her side of the room again.

"What do you think I should put on my side Flowey?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"I just want to know what you would think"

"Well I don't know" the flower said sternly.

Monika figured he wouldn't help out right now, so instead she thought for a moment, until little random ideas started appearing in her head. She mumbled to herself about where things could be and how she could do it. Flowey wasn't paying much attention, he just wanted her to leave.

Monika sighed.

"I'm still not sure on what I should do"

"Why even care?"

Monika whipped around to face the flower.

"What was that?" She asked.

"I said why even care? It's not even going to be a big deal anyways. A room is just a room and all you really need to use is a bed to sleep on, so why bother to make it look nice?"

"Well, you certainly made your home on your side" Monika pointed out.

Flowey just grunted, turning away from the girl.

"You really are a grumpy one huh?"

No response.

Monika frowned. She couldn't really get anywhere with him right now. She looked at her side once more. She thought that maybe she should give Flowey some space for a bit and go interact with the other people for now, it could also give her some time to think about her room design too.

Monika walked to the door, as she gripped the handle, she looked back at the sulking flower.

"I'm going to go meet the others, you can join me when your ready."

Still no response.

The girl sighed quietly as she made her way out of the room. She practically bumped into a certain little devil on her way out.

"Bendy? What are you doing here?"

"I was just coming to check on ya, to see how everything was going with ya new room" Bendy said, looking down and rubbing the back of his head, almost as if it was a silly thing to do.

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