Chapter 37: Brother's Roundup

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I'm so sorry for the delay, I've just been a bit focused on other things at the moment, like college 👀 But also, thanks for all the questions that I've received so far! I have to finish replying to some, but thank you so much nonetheless!

Art by me!


'Rinnng! Rinnng!'

The phone began ringing, alerting the Neighbor as he rested his newspaper down and got up from the couch, walking past the others as he made his way to the phone.

"Hello?" The Neighbor waited for a response from the person on the other line.


"..Yes.. he's here.."


"..Ok, I'll get him .." The man responded, before calling Bendy down. The little demon came running down the stairs with curiously on his mind. "Yes?" The neighbor handed him the house phone. "There's someone who wants to speak to you."

Bendy's brows furrowed. Who could possibly want to speak with him? Felix? Hopefully not Boris and he highly doubted it was Alice. He took the phone from The Neighbor and placed it close to his face to hear the person.

"Hellloo..?" He timidly spoke into the phone. A guy with a western accent responded on the other side.

"Hello, is this Bendy the Dancing Demon by any chance..?"

The demon was a bit hesitant before answering. "Y..Yes??"

A moment of silence rang from the other side of the phone, leaving Bendy confused. "Uh.. hello?"

"Sorry sorry! It's just.. Are.. are ya really sure?" The person finally spoke again. "Are ya really Bendy?" They sounded desperate.. but why? Bendy repeated his reply. "Yeah, I'm Bendy.. but, who are ya? And how'd ya know my name?"

"Oh- My mistake! I should've introduced myself first." The person apologized, taking a second to composed themselves judging by their emotional, but relieved tone of voice. "Folks around here call me Bandit and truth is, I've been looking for ya my whole life!"

Bendy stood there. What did he mean he's been looking for him? For what reason?

"Hold on.. For me?? Why? Who are ya exactly?" The demon didn't want to sound like he was attacking, but he definitely wanted to know what was going on and who this guy was. "Ok, ok! How about I tell ya how I found ya in the first place and why I'm here. Please I beg of ya, don't hang up."

Bendy debated for a few moments. Maybe he should give this person a chance. He'd be lying if he'd say that he wasn't interested in this person's story. But even so, Bendy didn't think he should let this unknown guy off the hock, especially since he said he's been looking for him. What did he want? And with Bendy for that matter.

Despite all of these questions running through the demon's head, he came to a conclusion and sighed. "Alright.. explain yaself." The request was subtle, but it was no less different than a demand. The person, the one who calls himself Bandit, smiled on the other side in relief. "Can do!" He cleared his throat.

"So, I wanna start by askin': Ya probably already aware of the man: Joey Drew, correct?"

The demon froze at the very familiar name.

"Yeah.. yeah, o-of course I know him... What about him?"

"Well, many years ago, Joey Drew had an idea one day. He thought about doin' a kinda side project to his work he was already workin' on. I'm guessin' that bein' yaself, of course, right?"

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