Chapter 33: Don't stop

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Art by me!

(I tried my best with the game over picture, I'm so sorry 😞)


Another Friday has come and the indies didn't need to discuss what they wanted for dinner, as the answer was pretty simple for all of them when the neighbor asked.

They decided to go a little bit earlier that night and hopped in the car, driving away into the city, and soon finding the restaurant they were looking for. As soon as the car was parked, the group rushed out as they heard that familiar song play in front of the place.

-Which, of course, resulted in them dancing in the parking again for another 5 minutes. Luckily, the hungriness got to them, so there was no trouble entering the restaurant. Though a few did see the little sign before they did, and what it read lit up their spirits. The sign read:
"New weeks available!:
Week 4
Week 5"

They've made it into the restaurant and realized it wasn't as packed as it was before, at least not yet. Probably because they were a bit earlier than last time. " least now we can hopefully get some seats faster-cuz I'm starving!" Mae exclaimed, raising her hands in air. Some nodded in agreement.

"You think we'll have that waitress again?" Mugman asked. "What? You mean..wait..what was her name again?" Cuphead thought for moment. "I think her name was..ENA?" Sal replied. "Yeah yeah her!"

"I hope so! She was fun!" Madotsuki said excitedly. "Me too. She definitely was interesting." Monika added, as Bendy and Kris nodded as well.

A waiter greeted the neighbor as they came to the front and asked how many he had with him. The routine was the same as last time, only Mae's hunch was right; they didn't need to wait long, only being lead to their table that they were at last time. It was a good spot either way, it was also a nice knowing that it was only a couple feet away from the stage area.

They were handed their menus as they began searching through it to see what they wanted. Some were debating on trying something else, yet some came to the conclusion that they wanted the same meal from last time. As they were talking and waiting, their waitress finally came over to greet them.

"Salutations everyone!" The blue and yellow spilt face girl greeted happily. "ENA!!!" Almost the entirety of the group exclaimed out of excitement to see their favorite waitress again.

"I see you've all stumbled across this fascinating place once more. I am so very very happy to see that and very happy to hear you remember me as I remember all of you!" The waitress spoke.

"How've you been ENA?" The neighbor asked. "I've been feeling marvelous recently, thank you very much! Now may I take your drink orders now?" ENA asked taking out her little notepad and pen. "Actually, I think we can also take our orders as well too now." The neighbor proceeded.

"Certainly! What are we feeling tonight?" She asked as everyone gave her their orders and drink orders. "Right then, I get those orders in right away!" Before leaving ENA caught sight of Flowey on the table next to Kris.

"And I do hope you participate in tonight's sing-offs, small flower. My ears have heard it takes on more of a challenge tonight! Since you did so well last time, it would be interesting to see how you partake in the next stages!" She spoke to the flower. "Anyways! I'll be off to get those orders in for all now!" ENA said before walking away.

"She's right ya know." Bendy spoke up. "What?" Flowey asked. "You should try singing again!" Spooky exclaimed excitedly. "I think you should doing it again too!" Mugman added. "Same here!" Monika said as well.

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