028. Draco Malfoy Is A Lot Of Work

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Chapter Twenty-Nine


Draco Malfoy is a lot of work

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Draco Malfoy is a lot of work

Frankie was surprised at how well her friends had brought Harry into their group. Blaise had even brought Harry along to the library with him despite Frankie not having come along. Theo was still rather standoffish, with Draco deciding his best bet to completely ignore Harry unless he thought he could insult him and get away with it. For Harry, it was a lot of go-between Hermione and Frankie's friend while still trying to get moments with Frankie alone. The two had never been around one another more than the last couple of weeks, something Frankie was surprised to find had filled her with a warm, pleasant feeling. 

They had been on their way to Potions, Hermione walking with Harry slightly behind Frankie's own group when that pleasant feeling completely disappeared. A crowd of students, half of whom weren't even a part of their class, had circled around something as jeers and laughter bounced off the cold stone walls. Once a few of the students had noticed their arrival, the circle parted to reveal one Crabbe and Goyle with a bag full of badges. Frankie noticed almost all of the students also wearing them, her confusion turning to irritation as soon as the words 'Support Cedric Diggory, the real Hogwarts champion' dissolved into a slimy block letter 'Potter stinks'. 

"Didn't realise tweedle dumb and tweedle dee knew how to spell," Frankie whispered loudly, earning a wave of laughter as Crabbe and Goyle glared at her. 

"Oh very funny," Hermione said sarcastically as Theo made his way forward and snatched the bag out of their hands, throwing it to the floor, "really witty."

Frankie looked at the pins scattered around the floor, trying to figure out how the two buffoons managed to pull off such a high-calibre stunt. She turned to her group, noticing Draco's pale face. Connecting the dots, she stayed silent, shaking her head at her friend as he shook his head back. 

"We're just showing off our friend's super invention," Goyle grinned, laughing childishly as he made his badge swap words. 

Harry stared at Draco, seething hatred burning in his eyes, "You did this?"

Draco wordlessly shook his head, seemingly as confused about the badges as the rest of them. That wasn't enough for Harry though, as he quickly grabbed his wand from his pocket. Pansy pushed their group back towards the wall. Frankie was still slightly baffled by the revelation, she didn't often expect much from Draco, but even she thought this was below him especially after he promised her he'd try his best to be pleasant with Harry. She wanted to step between the two, and slap the anger out of them both, but she knew it wasn't her place. If she truly wanted them to be friends, they'd have to get rid of the anger first. It was how she and Draco became friends. 

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