012. The Boy Who Always Lives

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Chapter Twelve. 


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𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲, 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐭

Frankie felt groggy, her eyes trying to focus themselves in the darkness. She tried to sit up, falling slightly before someone grabbed her and helped her sit against something. Frankie's eyes fluttered as they tried to adjust to the light around her. She noticed the bed first, thankful she was back at Hogwarts. She looked down at the hand that still lingered on her bicep, trailing up it to see that Theo was its owner. Only then did she notice Blaise and Pansy, with Pansy hugging a stuffed cat. Pansy pushed Theo away, enveloping Frankie in a tight hug. 

"Ow," Frankie groaned, "I'm still sore,"

"Snape told me to get Weasley to the infirmary, and once I get there, you're being brought in a stretcher!" Pansy shrieked, her tears starting to soak Frankie's shirt, "I thought you were done for. This is why we don't associate with Gryffindors!"

Frankie smiled, returning the hug before Pansy was moved away by Theo. She stared at the two boys, who only reached down and pulled her into another hug. Frankie winced slightly as they let go. She'd missed the two boys. When she thought she was about to die, she had thought of all of them. She'd seen them all, Pansy, Theo, Blaise, her mother, Parker, Erika, even Saoirse and the Ollivander twins and Harry Potter. She was glad she hadn't died then. She still had so much she had to do with all of them and so much to say. 

"I love you guys," Frankie said sincerely. 

All three of her friends stepped back slightly, taken aback by the sudden confession. Blaise felt her forehead as Pansy and Theo shared a baffled look. 

"Are you okay, Fran?" Blaise asked, calling for Madam Pomfrey. 

Frankie pushed Blaise's hand off her, "Of course, I just needed you guys to know that,"

"So you did almost die," Theo muttered, glaring at some infirmary beds away from hers, "I swear, I'll kill them,"

"You'll be doing no such thing, Mr Nott," Madam Pomfrey chastised, rushing towards Frankie with a bowl of chocolate, "Now, I've let you see her, so you must all go. I don't need Miss Marsh overexerting herself,"

Frankie groaned as her friends complied, Pansy handing the stuffed cat over to her as they moved towards the exit, "don't worry, Frankie, I love you too,"

Frankie watched as her friends shuffled out of the infirmary, glaring at slumbering bodies as they passed. Frankie struggled to fully sit up as Madam Pomfrey pushed her back into the bed. 

"You need your rest. You've been through quite a lot," Madam Pomfrey said, placing the bowl beside her bed, "the more you rest, the quicker you'll get out of here,"

Frankie frowned but complied, gazing out the window to see the moon twinkling at her. The clouds had disappeared, allowing the stars to take centre stage. The milky flecks twirled and danced along the sky in a way that almost made her smile. It was hard to shove aside the worries taking up her thoughts, but eventually, she just stopped thinking after staring at the stars from her window. For all intents and purposes, she was alone. Not a single Dementor could harm her now. She sighed in contentment, closing her eyes. 

✧✧✧                                                                                    ✧✧✧                                                                               ✧✧✧

Frankie awoke again to the sound of yelling. She sat up, far easier this time, to see Snape making a fool of himself. She chuckled as he flapped his arms around like a bird, screaming like a toddler and cursing everything he could see. Her laughter seemed to be heard by Harry alone, who turned his head and silently asked for help. Frankie nodded, positioning herself as though she was struggling. 

"Excuse me," Frankie softly spoke, her lip quivering, "Can you quieten down, please? I'm in so much pain,"

This seemed to set Madam Pomfrey off. The sight of the seemingly pained little girl made all three men pause as Madam Pomfrey yelled at Snape, practically kicking him out of the room. 

"I'm so sorry, dear," The Minister said, offering her a smile, "You're incredibly brave. Your friend told me how you saw everything go down from a window and ran to help,"

"Oh, thank you, mister," Frankie said, offering a weak smile. 

"You should give her a hundred house points, Dumbledore", Fudge said, turning to leave with their Headmaster. 

Harry quickly got out of his bed as soon as Madam Pomfrey disappeared again, making his way over to her bed. Frankie grinned, sitting up and crossing her legs. 

"Thanks for your help Frankie," Hermione spoke up, standing at the end of her bed guiltily, "I think I might have judged you unfairly,"

Frankie shrugged, which appeared to be enough for Hermione as she moved to sit beside Ron, who was still sound asleep. Harry was now standing beside her, a smile gracing his face. 

"I guess you won't need me anymore," Frankie said, turning to properly face him, "Now that you won't be trying to fight Sirius Black,"

Disappointment washed over his face only to be gone in a blink, "I guess I'll need to find someone else to try and kill me so you can keep hanging around me,"

"If you want to be my friend Harry Potter," Frankie said, leaning towards him, "all you have to do is ask,"

Harry smiled, placing his hands on her bed to lean closer to her. Harry was still taller, forcing Frankie to look up at him. It was oddly quiet, as though everything around them had suddenly faded into the darkness of the night. And then Harry ducked down, pressing his lips against hers. The moment only lasted a few seconds before Harry pulled away, beaming. 

"What-what happened?" 

Frankie turned away, noticing Ron slowly sitting up in his bed as Hermoine jumped up from beside him and hugged him. She stayed in her bed, grabbing the bowl of chocolate from her bedside as Harry moved toward his friends. Her third year had been far more eventful than she had ever thought. 

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