029. Guide to becoming a Slytherins best friend

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Chapter Twenty Eight


Guide to becoming a Slytherins best friend

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Guide to becoming a Slytherins best friend

Slytherin had yet to have a class with Gryffindor, allowing the group to get more used to the forced realisation that they would soon have a new member of their friendship group. Everyone had experienced it the year prior, when Pansy had heard Draco's gut-wrenching cries by the Black Lake and dragged him to their table during Potions, but it had been a much simpler process considering they were already forced to share what was the equivalent of a house with the blonde-haired git. Harry would be much different. None of them - excluding Frankie - knew much about the four-eyed lion and what they did know was the second-hand gossip Pansy gathered from her unreliable sources. They had been sitting in Transfiguration when Theo had snapped his quill at Pansy's incessant chatter about Harry, promptly taking Frankie's right out of her hand. The only person more annoyed about Harry's inclusion in their group was Draco, who they had to keep dragging away from Crabbe and Goyle every time he thought about him.

Frankie had been on Draco-sitting duty during the class but had completely lost him once McGonagall had dismissed them. The young Slytherins had to depart for Care for Magical Creatures without him, each one experiencing their own version of nervousness for their first class since Frankie's lecture with the infamous Harry Potter. Hagrid's hut came into view as Frankie's mind flashed back to her third year, the man transforming into a rat before her eyes. She shook it off, noticing they were one of the first to get to the patch of grass that made up their class. Pansy began to quicken her pace as they walked down the small hill, almost running down it.

"What if we just ignore him," Theo spoke up, crossing his arms as they waited for the rest of the class, "You say Harry needs normality, right? Well, we normally ignore him,"

Frankie glared at him, as Pansy hit him in the gut. Pansy had been the quickest to turn around and agree to help out the boy, making Frankie even warier of their meeting. Frankie absolutely adored her friend, but she was more often than not set in her ways and always took much longer to turn around. The sudden shift didn't bode well with her.

"Don't be so mean Theo. We're going to be great friends with Harry," Pansy said, draping her arms around Theo, "Who's currently being made fun of by Draco and his old goons, damn it,"

Frankie followed Pansy's gaze, noticing the familiar blonde hair. Frankie strode towards the four, followed quickly by Pansy. 

"-into the first task's my bet..." Draco trailed off as he noticed the two girls make their way up to him, the colour slightly draining from his face. 

Harry turned too, confused by the sudden halt in what Frankie could only assume were poorly executed insults. His confusion quickly turned to joy when the two locked eyes, Frankie offering a quick smile before returning her hard gaze to Draco. 

"No more bullying Draco. Frankie said so," Pansy teased, throwing a delicate arm around Harry, "You're in our group for now,"

Harry's eyes darted between Pansy and Frankie in confusion, although Frankie was still preoccupied with silently arguing with Draco. 

"They'll be done soon, don't worry," Pansy continued, not letting Harry get a word in as she turned him around, "You can be Blaise's partner. He's the best at talking to bland people,"

Frankie cracked a smile at Pansy's quick insult as she dragged a bewildered Harry towards the rest of their group, leaving Frankie to deal with Draco. Noticing Crabbe and Goyle were still standing slightly behind Draco, she let out a scoff, motioning for the two to bugger off. She rolled her eyes as they checked with Draco before finally slinking off to whatever hole they'd crawled out of. Frankie finally turned on Draco, crossing her arms, as they stared at one another with scrutiny. 

Finally, Frankie spoke up, her hand flying out to collide with Draco's arm, "What the hell Draco? I thought we had an agreement,"

"You had an agreement," Draco rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets, "I still hate him,"

"We hated you at first," Frankie pointed out. 

"Yes but I had charisma, a witty charm and a great sense of humour," Draco said, smirking slightly, leaning closer to her, "He can't even see properly,"

Frankie shook her head, moving to the side to indicate for them to return to the group, "Then you should be able to pretend,"

Draco groaned, bumping his arm into her shoulder, as they made their way to the group. Frankie caught sight of some of the Gryffindors, offering a small wave to Hermione who seemed to be trying to talk some sense into Ron. Frankie hoped Hermione would figure out a solution to their friend problem soon as she wasn't sure how long Harry could survive in her group. Frankie turned her attention back to her group, smiling at the sight. Blaise and Harry had already begun talking. Blaise had always been good at swaying someone in his favour, as Theo had stood back awkwardly with Pansy sitting patiently on a giant crate discussing her Divination results with him. Once Pansy noticed the two, she jumped from her seat to greet them. 

"Someone has to walk it," Pansy announced, pointing at the cartoonishly large skrewt. 

Each of the Slytherins looked at Draco, who took a large step away from the crate. 

"How am I even supposed to do that?" Draco asked, throwing his hands in the air. 

Theo stepped forward this time, rolling his sleeves up as he picked up the collar, "It lunges. You step on its head,"

Frankie smiled, stepping away from the two boys as they moved closer to the crate. Noticing Harry was still looking lost, she beckoned him over as Blaise and Pansy stood beside her. Frankie watched as Theo stood over the crate, waiting with the leash gripped in his hands as Draco stood beside the door and began to open the gate slowly. 

"So did you end up talking to that Beauxbatons student?" Pansy asked Blaise. 

The skrewt ran out of its cage like a bull, as Theo tried to jump on it and get the collar on it. It was faster though, squirming away from the two before turning around and baring its teeth. 

"Yeah, we're going to Hogsmede this weekend," Blaise smiled, moving back slightly as Draco staggered towards them after being almost whipped with the stinger, "What about you? Got over your crush on Weasley?"

"You have a crush on Ron?" Harry blurted out, his mouth hanging open. 

Frankie laughed as Blaise and Pansy shared a look, leaving Harry even more confused as he continued to press, "You have a crush on one of the twins?"

"God no, none of those boys are worth a nickel," Pansy waved off the question. 

Frankie raised her eyebrow as Theo rugby tackled the skrewt, pinning it down with one foot on its stinger and his hands keeping the thing from squirming away as Draco finally tied the collar around the thing and connected a leash to it. The other three Slytherins clapped as the two stood up in triumph. 

"Then which Weasley do you like?" Harry asked, clapping along with the others as Theo made their way over to them. 

Pansy and Blaise shared a look, snickering to one another. Frankie shook her head but smiled all the same. Harry, seemingly in a perpetual state of confusion, turned towards Frankie for some sort of explanation but Frankie simply shrugged. 

"They exclude sometimes," Frankie said, moving closer to Harry, "You'll get used to it,"

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