018. Going Back to Hogwarts

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Chapter eighteen 


𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬

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𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬

The 'secret' her mother had been trying so hard to conceal from her had tumbled out of almost every single one of her friends' mouths the minute she walked up to them. Blaise had originally tried to keep quiet, having been told by Amity that no one else was supposed to know, only for Pansy to race towards them and scream it out for all of Britain to hear. Theo had been lagging behind Pansy, divulging the schools that would be making their way to Hogwarts. It was only when Draco had appeared out of no where, fangirling over Durmstrang, that Blaise had finally given up and chattered excitedly about the whole tournament. Pansy and Blaise had begun to rapidly explain the whole tournament to Frankie while Theo, who had begun to load their trunks into the train, promised to explain it in a much simpler factual way. 

"Oh, since when were you doing charity, Draco," Frankie spoke up, cutting off Blaise's conversation about quick his trip to Hévíz, "Didn't think that was in your nature,"

Draco faltered slightly before regaining his cool composture. He turned away from Blaise, meeting her sarcastic smile with a simple shrug, "It's like I explained to your mother, I missed out on giving you birthday presents for the last few years. I'm just trying to catch up to Pansy's insane birthday gifts,"

Theo chuckled slightly at the comment. Pansy was so notorious for her over-the-top and slightly concerning presents even students in other years commented on it. It was one of the traps a person could fall into when they were incredibly wealthy on their own and also had far too many connections to make them more wealthy. Pansy had once orchestrated a fireworks show and marching band full of Leprechauns for Blaise's birthday during their first year. He still had the Crup, named Apricot, that had been given at the very end. Since then, they had tried to get Pansy to tone down her aggressive party planning and present-giving. Every time there was a birthday, she was always to be closely monitored. 

"Yeah, well, don't do it again," Frankie ordered, pushing open one of the compartments and kicking out a second-year group. 

"Was that an order to never bother with presents again?" Draco grinned, sliding past her to get into the compartment, "Yes, ma'am,"

Frankie kicked the back of Draco's shoe, hoping she got dirt on his pantsuit. She had to admit, Draco had become far more tolerable towards the end of last year and had only gotten better as the months passed. She had never thought the annoyingly bratty Draco Malfoy could even have a sense of humour. 

"Oi, Frankie," Frankie turned towards the source of the sound, seeing Ron's head popping out of the compartment next to theirs. 

He beckoned her over, opening his compartment fully before his head disappeared again. Frankie stayed where she was, contemplating whether or not to ignore the Gryffindor and enjoy a problem-free trip to Hogwarts; something she was certain that trio wouldn't be able to give her. She must've taken too long in her contemplations because Ron's head popped back up again, impatiently telling her to follow him. 

Frankie rolled her eyes, following Ron's disappearing head and leaning against the compartment door to ensure an easy escape from whatever questions were pressed on her. 

Frankie noticed Harry first, who's tussled hair and dark eyes gave the impression he had been abruptly woken and thrown onto the train; it made her smile. He had been talking intently with Hermione, but once the door opened he turned towards her and smiled with ease. He brought up his hand, indicating for her to take it, before pulling her onto the seat beside him. Ron was seated opposite her, pulling at his maroon jumper with a large 'R' branded on it while Hermione was leaning against the window, trying her best not to appear too preoccupied with her book. 

"Didn't realise Malfoy was part of your gang," Ron crinkled his nose as he said 'Malfoy', the utter disgust heavy in his tone. 

Frankie shrugged, slipping her hand under Harry's arm to steal a cauldron cake, "He's adopted, not sure whether he'll bother to stick around or not,"

"Well, I'd assume your lot know what's going on," Ron continued. Hermione was peering over her book now, "So what's happening at Hogwarts that has everyone so excited?"

Frankie picked at her cake, offering a piece to Harry, "Oh that, I got it spoiled for me. My friends can hardly shut up about it," 

"So something is going on," Harry said thoughtfully, pushing the piece of cake into his mouth, "Why's it such a big deal,"

Frankie smiled teasingly at Harry, pushing against him to sit up properly, "Oh I'm not going to tell you. I wish no one had told me. It'll be better not knowing,"

"I told you she wasn't going to say anything," Hermione said, matter-of-factly, "It's a secret for a reason,"

"I actually think the whole things a bit dumb, not worth it being so secretive," Frankie admitted, leaning back with a grin as Harry shot her a pleading look, "Still not telling you though,"

Ron and Harry shared an annoyed look, before Harry turned towards Frankie with a suspicious look about him that told Frankie he had some sort of half thought out plan. Before he could say anything however, Pansy had appeared at the door with an agitated look. 

"Frankie, what are you doing here?" Pansy scolded, her hands placed disapprovingly on her hips, "What have I told you about hanging out with Gryffindors?"

Frankie snorted, standing up and shooting a wink at the trio, "They're more scared of us than we are of them?"

Pansy let out an exaspherated sigh, sending a scathing glare towards Harry, "When we hang out with Gryffindors we almost get attacked by he-who-must-not-be-named or his followers, now lets go,"

"I've never been attacked by the snake guy," Frankie rebutted, shoving her hands into her back pockets. 

"If your not careful you will be," Pansy shot back, ushering her out of the compartment. 

Frankie did as she was told, turning around quickly to say goodbye to Harry before making her way out the compartment. 

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