009. The Race For The Quidditch Cup

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Chapter Nine.



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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐂𝐮𝐩!

Frankie had been putting off helping Harry in favour of practising for her last quidditch match for the season. She had missed having her own teacher to make fun of her abilities and improve her terrible techniques. Erika Rath, her Quidditch sister, had taken it upon herself to bring a second-year Frankie under her wing and teach her to love Quidditch in a way Frankie had never loved sports before. Erika had fought Marcus Flint for four years to gain the title of Captain, constantly losing out against him because he was older. It was thought that this year she'd finally be able to earn that title, only for Marcus to flunk his N.E.W.T's and retake his entire year, something Erika swore he had done out of spite for her. 

Despite her not actually being the Slytherin Captain, Erika still acted more like a Captain than Flint ever could. She had dragged Frankie out of her bed while the sun was rising, forcing Frankie to practice her beater maneuvers in her pyjamas. Because of this, Frankie and Erika had walked into the Great Hall for breakfast late. Slytherin, and most of Ravenclaw, cheered as they walked in, with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff booing as they walked past. Frankie paused, gaining Erika's attention before jerking her head towards the Gryffindor table, making her way over to Harry with Erika trailing behind. 

The table booed and hissed as they walked up, comments about their imminent loss thrown around just loud enough for Frankie and Erika to overhear. 

"I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you, Harry," Frankie said, her hand snaking past Harry's to steal his toast, "We have to keep up that streak of you landing in the hospital wing, don't we?"

Harry smiled slightly, "Thanks for the heads up,"

Erika kept her eyes on Harry, a malicious smile covering her face. Erika had aced intimidation tactics at the beginning of her first year - it had taken Frankie two months to gain the courage to try and speak against her. Erika could scare a Dementor, and it was clear she was getting to Harry, who was shifting under the pressure of Erika's gaze. 

"Got yourself a bodyguard, Marsh?" Fred spoke up, grinning at Erika as her gaze moved to him, "Aww, don't look at me like that, Rath, you know I loooove you,"

Erika snorted, rolling her eyes, "I was just getting a good look at Potter's head. Need to know what my target looks like,"

Fred kept her eyes on Erika as she walked off, a mischievous look on his face. Frankie scowled at Fred, unsure of his intentions but knowing Erika would not appreciate it. Ever since Fred's bludger incident with Erika, he seemed to have taken a liking to their best Quidditch player. 

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