017. What's happening at Hogwarts?

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Chapter Seventeen 


𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬?

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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬?

While it was perhaps a tad childish, Frankie had been trying her best to ignore her possible dad. She'd gotten up earlier than usual, taking off through the window in her room and onto the roof tiles above to spend her days with Parker until she had to come home. Frankie had to admit that Rian had done his best with his limited time. He'd even begun waking up earlier to catch her right as she flew out the window. Evie had started to force Frankie to show Rian the town, to give him detailed accounts of each of the town members. Frankie knew she'd done it to force the two together, considering all of Frankie's accounts had been incredibly biased and painted very few in a favourable light. While she wouldn't acknowledge the fact to anyone who asked, she did enjoy spending time with her possible dad. Rian proved considerably more interesting than the rest of the men in town, always having a new story of an incident during his ambulance shifts that always made her crack a smile. 

Her friends had different views of Rian's sudden appearance out of nowhere. After her nosy listening in, she rushed to send a letter to all of her friends via Pansy's owl, Pidge. She'd even been flustered enough to send one to Draco. Pansy had told her it was a blessing to enjoy as much as possible. Pansy had always been incredibly supportive towards Frankie whenever she divulged any family matters. Blaise hadn't seemed too troubled, stating his step-fathers often appeared out of nowhere once or twice before disappearing again, never to be seen. Draco had initially elected to make fun of the fact that she couldn't be sure it was even her father before telling her only to accept it if she wanted to. Theo, however, had been the most sceptical. He'd sent multiple lengthy essays criticising Rian's return and warning Frankie to be careful in case he decided to disappear once more.  

But Rian never did disappear. He'd even offered his assistance to their local hospital. For all Frankie could tell, Rian would stay with them forever. At least, that's what she hoped would happen. 

"So, in your school list, they said you needed a formal outfit for some ball you'll be having," Rian divulged, slurping up his coffee. 

Frankie raised an eyebrow, throwing down her piece of toast. They had woken up incredibly early. Evie was determined to have a nice breakfast before Frankie had to return to school. They were sitting just outside the local cafe, the sun only just rising from behind the rolling hills ahead of them. 

"We don't have balls," Frankie said, turning her attention towards her mother, who was returning from inside the cafe with a bagel, "Rian's saying we're having a ball, but-"

Evie sighed, kicking Rian's chair, "It was supposed to be a surprise, Rye."

Rian tried to duck out of the way of Evie's hand, giving a meek shrug, "Sorry, didn't realise. Can I tell her, though?"

Evie rolled her eyes but nodded, taking a seat beside Frankie. Frankie glanced between Rian and her mother, trying to distinguish the silent conversation between the two. Frankie couldn't deny the two were once incredibly close, close enough to hold a conversation without making any faces. She still couldn't manage the feat with Pansy. 

"Okay, since you have a ball this year, we decided to pool our resources and get you a dress," Rian finally spoke, smiling over his cup. 

"Well, some of your friends offered to help too, said they owed you," Evie divulged, making Frankie frown. She knew none of her friends owed her anything, "Amity had offered when we were at the game, and she didn't even let me say no! Your friend Derry, I think, said he owed you a few birthday gifts,"

Frankie's frown deepened. Draco had been getting closer to her group throughout the last year. Now he had been practically adopted by Pansy and Blaise, with Theo and Frankie having little option but to let it happen. He had initially proved to be incredibly annoying and stupidly obsessed with status. It had taken quite a few months of Frankie battling with the boy and almost bullying him over his supremacist values to get Draco to change and begin to respect her. The only problem that arose now was that Draco secretly felt terrible for how so many of his parents' friends viewed her. It had resulted in him responding to it in the only way he knew how, secretly - or not so - throwing money at it. Though she had to admit, he was improving at being her friend. 

"It's not ridiculous, is it?" Frankie groaned, kicking the bag below her slightly. 

"No, and you can't look at it until the day," Evie ordered, "I'm asking very little of you. Please don't look at it. Get Pansy to take it if you have to,"

"Are you certain this Amity is okay with taking Frankie to the station," Rian changed the subject, noticing Frankie's annoyed expression, "I mean, I can always drive her and say goodbye. I'd love to meet some of her friends,"

"No!" Evie yelled, quietening down once she noticed her outburst, "No, it's fine. Amity said she was on the way,"

Neither of them had told Rian about Frankie's real school and why she got offered in, to begin with. Evie was still uncertain whether or not he would stick around, and neither girl wanted him running off because Frankie was what could be considered a bit strange. 

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