019. What's A School Without Quidditch?

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Chapter nineteen


What's A School Without Quidditch?

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What's A School Without Quidditch?

Frankie was seated beside a drenched Theo, who had used his cloak to protect Pansy and herself when Peeves had appeared through the wall and hurled his water balloons at them. Draco was in a similar situation, with Pansy preoccupied with using the hot-air charm on Blaise. They had found seats relatively quickly, with Erika yelling them over from across the hall. The Ollivander twins were sitting beside Erika while Saoirse was busy explaining their team rituals to a boy she had seen studying with Erika before and a younger girl who looked baffled by the entire speech. 

"You know how we had tryouts for a chaser and seeker position at the end of last year," Erika began, jerking her head towards the two Slytherin students, "meet Remi Caron and Elena Lewis,"

"Right here, guys," Draco interjected, flashing a sarcastic smile to Erika. 

Erika had told Draco last year that he would be off the team by the next year, and Draco didn't take it very well. He had begun to get over it, however, acknowledging he did sometimes preoccupy himself with whatever Harry was doing during their match. 

"Get over your crush on Potter and maybe I'll let you back on," Erika smirked, throwing a mini muffin into her mouth. 

Before Draco could shoot back, Pansy shushed them as Dumbledores voice bellowed over the shouts of the students. A blanket of silence enveloped the hall, with hushed whispers breaking the envelope every once and a while when Dumbledore mentioned the more contentious rules that were usually enforced by their caretaker Filch. 

"- It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year." 

The statement had caused an immediate uproar, as Greer and Maisie held a silent outraged conversation between themselves at the news. 

"No way!" Erika bellowed, the team slamming the table around her, "You can't do that!"

"Please calm down," Dumbledore spoke over the noise. Saoirse appeared close to tears, "This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teacher's time and energy — but I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts —"

Erika was still standing - along with Fred Weasley from Gryffindor, Nia Gardner and Anthony Rickett from Hufflepuff and Mai Nguyen from Ravenclaw - when the sound of the doors to the Great Hall slammed open in a deafening rumble. Frankie's head snapped towards the sound, noticing a grizzled old man standing defiantly in a pool of light. It was the first time the hall had ever been truly silent as every student watched the man slowly hobble his way towards Dumbledore, seemingly revelling in the scene. 

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