005. Slytherin Students Have To Stick Together

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Chapter Five.

Chapter Five

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𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲?

Anger boiled within Frankie, hot as lava. It churned within her, hungry for destruction, begging to be released. 

It had taken longer than usual for Frankie to feel that unwanted warmth course through her body. It had taken Dumbledore running onto the field waving away the enclosing Dementors, taking Harry away on a stretcher and Theo holding Frankie back from running towards the Headmaster for Frankie to escape his grasp and storm towards the castle. At first, she had no clue where she was going, her anger egging her on to push forwards as her friends tried to keep up. It wasn't until she saw the flash of blonde that she knew exactly what she was going to do. 

"Oi, Draco!" Frankie yelled, squaring up to the boy as he turned around, "I'm sure you're just fucking dandy huh?"

Draco took a step back, pursing his lips in disapproval, as he looked Frankie up and down, "Don't know what you're on about Marsh,"

"You just had to back out of Quidditch didn't you?" Frankie continued on, not caring about what Draco had to say, "You're such a git, you know that? Harry almost died,"

Draco froze for a moment, shock washing over his face before he could cover it up and play it cool, "So what? He does that every Quidditch match, you'd think he'd learn by now,"

Draco's goons laughed at that, only acting to fuel the fire inside her. Frankie clenched and unclenched her fists, raring to be able to land a punch on all three boys.

Pansy, Theo and Blaise had finally caught up, standing behind her as they waited for her next move. The empty hallway was now alive with commotion as paintings eagerly waited for a fight break out. Pansy was whispering to Theo as Crabbe and Goyle tried to stare Blaise down but it was only Frankie who was looking for a fight, not even Draco cared to insult the girl. 

"If we were out there like we should have been," Frankie shouted, her hands twitching to be used, "I could have caught him but no, because of you he almost fell to death!"

Draco laughed, one of the worst things he could have done at that moment. Frankie lunged towards him, her fist already drawn back, but Blaise was quicker, trapping her in a bear hug to restrict her movement. Frankie struggled to escape but Blaise was much bigger than her and far stronger than he was last year. 

"You're just disappointing Marsh," Draco taunted, taking the opportunity to speak freely, "You only start speaking to Potter this year and you're ready to attack your own house for him,"

"Shut up Draco," Pansy snapped, taking all of them by surprise, "Frankie's not attacking her own house, she's attacking you,"

Frankie stopped struggling for a moment, locking eyes with Pansy. She'd never seen Pansy stand up to Draco like that, she'd never even talked back to him in all the time they'd been at the school. Frankie felt such a surge of pride for her best friend, offering a smile in thanks. 

"And careful what you say Malfoy," Theo said lowly, "There are plenty of people who'd love to see that smirk wiped clean off,"

Draco stared at Theo for a moment, before sweeping his gaze to the rest of the group. He let out a scoff, waving his goons forward as he pushed past them. Blaise loosened his grip on Frankie, letting her feet touch the floor, as they all watched Draco disappear around the corner. 

"Hate that guy," Theo muttered. 

"Despite that, no one can just walk up to him and pick a fight," Pansy scolded, turning to chastise Frankie, "You can't just lash out at people Frankie, we're not First years anymore,"

Frankie sighed, looking down at the floor, "I know, I'm sorry,"

"I mean, if it were anyone else it'd be bad but," Blaise chuckled, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "I don't think picking fights with Malfoy has an age cap,"

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Frankie had been walked all the way to the hospital wing by Pansy, who had decided that Frankie might get herself into a fight if left unsupervised. While Frankie had enjoyed chatting with her friend, she was glad she'd been able to get Pansy to leave before they got to the infirmary door. She wasn't sure she'd have been able to talk to Harry as freely if Pansy was there. 

As soon as Frankie stepped into the hospital wing, she was glad she'd decided to enter alone. Her breath caught in the back of her throat as she saw Harry fast asleep. He'd never looked so fragile. She came up to his bed silently, noticing how pale he was. They had changed him out of his quidditch robes and into some sweatpants and an overly large Gryffindor jumper. 

"You know," Frankie said quietly, waking Harry, "You didn't have to go that far to get me to talk to you,"

Harry looked up to her, smiling, "Well it was that or getting Haru and her group to sing to you until you cracked,"

Frankie let out a soft chuckle, leaning over his bed's railings, "Then I much prefer this one, thanks for being considerate,"

Harry laughed, shuffling to sit up properly, "I'm glad my almost dying brought you so much happiness,"

"Not at all," Frankie responded, "Draco and I had a really lovely chat,"

"Oh no," Harry said, matching her sarcasm as he moved closer to her, "He and I are great friends, I'd hate if you did anything to him,"

Frankie nodded, pushing herself up properly. Leaning back, she checked to make sure no one was within earshot before closing the curtains around Harry's bed. She turned towards an attentive Harry. 

"I will help you learn how to fight, okay?" Frankie started, "But, as far as I know, you just want to punch Draco in the face,"

"Oh," Harry said, realising what was going on, "That sounds great,"

"What?" Frankie asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh nothing, I just thought-" Harry stopped himself, "Nothing, sorry I put you in that situation,"

"It's alright," Frankie said, perplexed, "Just don't go killing yourself in Quidditch again,"

Harry smiled, nodding as he slid back down into his bed, "Then we're a team,"

Frankie scowled at that but elected not to say anything, instead slipping through the curtains to leave without waking Madame Pomfrey. Before she left, however, she remembered something she was going to tell Harry. 

"Oh, and tell Hermione to keep out of my business," Frankie said, disappearing behind the curtain. 

"What? What did she say?" Harry called out, making Frankie smile as she heard the sheets move around frantically, "Bloody hell Hermione..."

 Although she wouldn't say it out loud, she was secretly glad to be helping Harry again. She wasn't sure why, but it was something she actually enjoyed.


A/N: I feel like Frankie and Draco would have a really bizarre friendship

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