006. Finding Friends At Dumpsters

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Chapter Six.


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𝐈𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐀 𝐃𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫?

It had taken her a few weeks but Evie Marsh had finally figured out how to send an owl, allowing Frankie to be able to experience Hogsmeade with her friends. To say she was excited was an understatement. It was Pansy, however, who somehow managed to come off as blissfully euphoric at the idea of Frankie being able to join them on their escapades. It was Pansy who woke Frankie up at 5 am in the morning and forced her to get changed while she somehow figured out how to get into the boy's dormitory and woke the entire room in her attempt at locating Theo and Blaise. It was Pansy who ushered all three of them into the dining hall and was the only one who didn't seem to notice Draco's scowl. And it was Pansy who had forced the group to get to Hogsmede at 7 am, determined to spend the entire day at the quaint little village. 

Despite the groggy beginning, their day had been surprisingly pleasant. They'd done almost everything by 3 pm and now were enjoying watching students try their luck at getting to the shrieking shack, and running back down the trail to Hogwarts only minutes later. Frankie was leaning on Theo, trying to explain Uno to him for them to play later in the common room, while Pansy was trying to throw Bertie beans into Blaise's mouth. 

"I don't think there's enough to do at Hogsmeade," Blaise stated, taking up almost all the room on their picnic blanket, "Can't we go back now?"

Pansy rolled towards him, pouting, "Can we do one last thing? Pretty please?"

Theo and Frankie shared a look, knowing exactly what was happening. Pansy had perfected her puppy dog eyes at the age of three and her guilt-tripping tactics had only gotten stronger with time, it was just a matter of which she would use to convince Blaise to do whatever she wanted. 

"Fine, what is it," Blaise sighed, beginning Pansy's eventual victory. 

Pansy turned on the puppy dog eyes, tilting her head up, "I really want us all to go Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop,"

Theo almost jumped up, ready to try and fight against Pansy, "No way, we're never doing that,"

Pansy turned her charms towards him, "Please Theo, I just want to go once, you know I'll never be able to find a date to go with,"

Pansy had shot Theo down in one swift blow, leaving Frankie completely in awe of her best friend. She was not known for using both tactics simultaneously, it was almost heartless of her. All three of her friends knew Pansy always fell for people she knew would never like her back, there was no way someone like Draco or Ginny would ever ask her on a date to some teashop, and none of them liked seeing Pansy dejected because of it. Perhaps they were too good of friends to her, but nevertheless Pansy had won yet again. 

"Fine," Frankie groaned, dragging Theo up with her, "But you better not wake us up tomorrow morning, you owe us,"

Pansy perked up, jumping to her feet to roll the blanket up with Blaise still lying on it. 

Pansy had been chipper the entire way back to the centre of Hogsmead, one step away from going full Snow White and skipping while singing to the birds around them. She'd even stopped them in front of Gladrags Wizardwear for her to look inside, leaving the rest of them to stand outside aimlessly. Frankie had contemplated simply walking back up to Hogwarts and going straight to bed but quickly thought better of it considering she shared the room with Pansy, and Pansy was not one to let her sleep peacefully after ditching her. 

Frankie decided to turn towards Theo to run the thought by him but as she turned around she was suddenly bumped into aggressively enough to send her staggering back. When she looked around for a holier-than-thou first year, there was no one in sight but Blaise and Theo who held matching puzzling looks. 

"What the..." Frankie trailed off, noticing footprints with no owner.

Frankie's reflexes kicked in and her hand flew out, grabbing onto something, and pulled material towards her revealing a terribly distraught Harry Potter. She almost dropped the cloak that appeared in her hand, moving towards Harry as he kept his back towards her. Noticing Theo and Blaise's looks, she grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him into an alleyway between Gladrags and Scrivenshaft's. Once they were finally alone, Harry broke down, his back sliding down the brick wall. Frankie dropped down with him, placing his hands in hers as she waited for his crying to get softer. 

"Hey," Frankie started softly, moving her hands up to cup his face, "Just breath, it's going to be okay,"

She could hear Harry's breathing steadying, a ragged breath forcing itself out of him every few seconds. Frankie could feel her knees cramping up but she stayed where she was, waiting for Harry to be ready to speak. 

"Have you ever felt so angry towards someone you've never met?" Harry asked, his head hitting the wall behind him as he stared up at the clouds above. 

Frankie let out a small bitter smile, her hands slipping away from his face, "When you don't know whether your dad never knew you existed or decided he didn't care that you did, you get angry,"

"Sirius Black was my dad's best friend," Harry said, his fist colliding with the ground, "And he sold them out to Voldemort, he sold out the man who loved him to the Dark Lord,"

Frankie didn't know how to respond, her entire body locked up as she tried to process what had come out of Harry's mouth. She couldn't imagine what was going on in Harry's mind, to find that the man who wanted you dead was just trying to finish the job he began years ago was one thing but to find out he was someone so important to Harry's family would have been something Frankie couldn't even imagine. 

Frankie knew she couldn't apologise, it wasn't enough, so instead, she simply gave him a promise, "Then we'll get him, I'll make sure you'll be able to fight him without your wand and you make sure you can do it with your wand,"

Harry had finally stopped crying but his face was still stained with tears, "I want to kill him,"

Frankie couldn't respond, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear what she would say. Instead, she simply wrapped the cloak around his shoulders watching as parts of him turned invisible, "You better get out of here before someone else spots you,"

Harry nodded, seeming to want to say something more but elected to keep his mouth shut. He threw the cloak over him entirely, disappearing without a trace leaving her staring at the wall in front of her as their conversation played over in her head. 

"Frankie?" Pansy poked her head around the corner, "Are you okay?"

Frankie got to her feet, shaking her head out, "Yeah, let's get some tea,"

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