043. Only Looking At You

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Chapter Forty-Two

Frankie Marsh

Only Looking At You

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Only Looking At You

The moonlight painted the walls of Hogwarts halls a bewitching dark blue tone with freckles of gold from the nearby stars. All of Hogwarts was silent, not even the paintings bothering to wake as the two teenagers hurtled through the hallways, determined not to be found out by a wandering Prefect or sneaking Professor. 

Harry had turned up at the Slytherin common room a frantic mess. He quickly ran his hands through his hair and fixed his slightly oversized jumper to tuck into the front of his jeans, causing Pansy to squeal in delight just behind Theo's rolling eyes. From there, he had clasped Frankie's hand in his, not giving her a second to question him as he took off with her through the halls. Frankie had tried to question him, even digging her heels into the ground, only for Harry to ignore her and continue pulling her along. Unfortunately for Frankie, he had gotten stronger over the course of the year. 

Finally, they appeared in a hallway where Harry let go of her hands and covered her eyes with a crimson wrap that looked as though it was torn off the Gryffindor Quidditch team banner. Frankie began raising her hands in protest, but Harry quickly promised her it would all be worth it. After some arguing, Frankie decided to give up and crossed her arms over her body as she impatiently waited for Harry to finish tying the wrap. 

"What is happening?" Frankie asked exasperatedly, jumping slightly as she felt Harry's hands on her waist. 

"I don't want you falling down these stairs is what's happening," Harry grinned, Frankie feeling his breath close to her ear. 

Frankie shook her head, tentatively bringing her foot up to where she assumed the step was as one of Harry's hands moved to her hand to help her along. Frankie couldn't tell whether there were just a lot of stairs, or she was embarrassing herself by stepping on the same steps numerous times. She wasn't even entirely certain how many steps she had taken, all too invested in not tripping and ending up in the hospital wing. She almost fell only a few times, with Harry stabilising her each time with a slight laugh. If she could see, she would be slapping Harry in the head. 

Maybe that was why she was blindfolded. 

Finally, the steps finished, and Harry ushered her forward. She could feel the wind against her cheek now, her hair getting swept out of her face as they walked towards the cool air. She felt the wrap around her eyes slip, Frankie's hands immediately going to her face to prevent them from slipping. 

"Alright, you can take your blindfold off," Harry said, sounding further away now. 

Frankie let the wrap fall to her neck as the wind greeted her. The stars winked at her as Harry stood at the platform's edge, silhouetted against the night sky. Pulling the wrap off her, she stared out into the velvet of darkness that hung the stars so they could shine. Turning, she caught sight of a particularly large picnic blanket stationed near some of the astronomy tower's telescopes. 

"What is this?" Frankie asked, cautiously moving towards the blanket as she saw the basket that sat beside two rounded pillows. 

"Oh, I just asked the house elves if they could create a dessert for me," Harry rubbed the back of his head, walking towards the blanket himself, "Well, actually, I asked if I could do it, but they wouldn't let me in the kitchen,"

Frankie laughed at that, sitting herself down on the nearest pillow. Harry got to the basket first, pulling out a bowl of popcorn and a batch of brownies. 

"The basket deceives you. There's actually way too much food in here," Harry said, his cheeks reddening as he pulled out two ice cream floats and a fully decorated chocolate cake. 

"Wow, the elves need a hobby," Frankie said, grabbing one of the floats for herself, "So... if I didn't know any better, I'd say this was some sort of date,"

Harry looked over at Frankie, his gaze dropping down to her lips for a second as his tongue swiped over his bottom lip, "What if it was? Would you be annoyed?"

"No. But it is pretty fancy. You'll have a hard time topping it," Frankie decided, placing her float down to lean back against her hands, "You know some people find staring rude, Harry,"

"I'll take whatever punishment you're handing out," Harry shrugged with a grin, the stars reflecting against his eyes. 

"Ha," Frankie laughed dryly, rolling her eyes at the boy. 

Before she could make a snarky comment, she felt strong fingers on her chin, softly pulling her towards Harry. She stumbled slightly, not having expected the movement, causing her to fall slightly onto Harry. Her hands kept her up, as her upper body leaned over Harry's, who was sitting back with a grin. Frankie's cheeks started burning, not used to being the one caught off guard as Harry used her necklace to pull her even closer to her. He pressed his lips against her nose, giving a series of butterfly kisses that made Frankie laugh slightly, before sealing his lips on hers. Frankie's body softened into the kiss, feeling the stars around her fade into the darkness until Harry finally pulled away. 

"Skeeter's right, you know. I'm only ever looking at you," 

Raise Hell → Harry Potterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें