His eye brows furrowed

I should switch on the other room light, it's too dark in there

He is in kitchen right now, bulb working while his room is by drawing room which is pitch black, so he have no choice but to go through it to reach his own room.

Just get over with it

He steps in the darkroom when he heard shuffling a meter away from him and he steps back instinctively.

He widened his eyes at sudden voice of shuffling that didn't settle, instead it's growing and getting intense and closure.

He steps in the safe side of light, just under the bulb when he heard something falling and he instinctively grabbed a knife and pointed in direction of disturbance.

"show yourself ,how did you get inside? " he shouts holding the knife firmly to protect himself in case of sudden movement, his palms are getting sweaty and he tries his best to keep a firm grip on its handle.

His eyes wander aimlessly searching for the intruder to make some move but the shuffling stopped as soon as he shouted while he could feel his blood pumping.

He flinched when he heard a groan,
Whoever it belongs seems to be in lot of pain and it's continues coming from his own room. He debated whether to go near it or not and he settles for staying and calling police from the home phone slightly visible at the threshold of kitchen light and other room darkness.

It's outside kitchen in drawing room and he could make out its outline,  he cautiously walks toward it with fisted hands to stop the shaking and gulping every now and then, while the groaning, so deep increases by passing second and for a second he considers locking his room from outside so that whoever is inside can't come out before police but he's in no mood to play risky.

Soon he reaches his hand to dial the number but then his only source of light flickers and his eyes widened, he turns back and prays for it to not give up but when are his prayers  answered.

Everything is dark, it's like his eyes are closed though they are open wide.
He curses loudly and slaps his palm on his mouth .

His right hand is still clinging on the knife ,his only weapon.
He repeatedly glances at his room from where the groaning haven't stopped and his heart sped up with every passing second.

The intensity and his own fear is increasing in the silence that he wonders if he is the only human here.

He stumbles back when he hears a loud thud as painful groaning stops. It's silent for few seconds but then heavy footsteps are heard coming in his direction .

He backs away knocking down the table behind him and falls with it.
He groans in pain eyes closed, not as if it makes any difference while his back hurt like bitch, hurt by the pointed edge of stupid table.

He sits on his elbow now completely lost, his eyes still not adjusted to darkness and it's hard to even tell if he's standing or sitting , if it was not for the hard smooth floor under him.

Everything is again silent while he takes heavy intake of breathes.

It's another nightmare, it's another nightmare, you'll be fine  you'll wake up eventually.

He wanders his eyes left to right, at first, looking at direction of kitchen to his left and then where his couch is supposed to be on his right, he finds nothing.  He repeats the action and he yelped when he saw red eyes where his couch is placed by his muscle memory.

He screams again when the supposedly glowing eyes of the figure march towards him and he crawls hastily toward his front door but before he makes it he is pulled back from his right foot as he scratches the ground below while shouting to let him go .

He remembers those eyes and those strong arms and hard chest and the heavy breathing on his neck as he struggles in the grip. 
Again he is being held from behind while he could do nothing to escape, suddenly his apartment feels too big, so big that he thinks that the darkness stretches for eternity.

Unlike other times when he struggled till exhaustion claimed him, this time he is tied down by a rope around his arms holding his hands behind his back while he feels his legs being restricted by another pair of legs, holding them down.

The legs above his own feel like dead weight as he curses and shouts while his restricted body shuffles on the cold ground.

He mometarily flinche when he feels hand near his neck , his head is pushed back on a shoulder , definitely not comfortable with his neck is exposed.

His senses are working at its peak with rush of adrenaline, he could make out the rope moving around his torso to hold it still , how can rope move or maybe its not rope and he shifts again in the restriction.

His head thrown back on others shoulder, he could feel others cheek brushing against his own,he tries to turn his head away but the cold hand caressing his bare neck is not going to let him .
He could feel the slow rhythmic heartbeat of other, contrast to his own.
He keeps throwing curses and threat and sobs but freezes when the red eyes stare back at him intensly.

They are beautiful

This is jungkook's first thought when he sees those eyes that can be mistaken for ruby.

He relaxes as the grip around his body loosens a little,  he didn't blink but just stared back mostly curious and fear of Ruby red eyes as he breathes slowly.

He is aware ,what is happening, again just like before he is forced to relax under those mischievous eyes and he forces himself to look away .

He blinks rapidly relaxing the burning as his eyes now fixed on ceiling ,fully aware of the heavy suffocating stare on his face .

He decides to keep his mouth close and so does his eyes because it's getting very difficult to not look back at those enchanting eyes so close to him ,while his sweaty face is pressed against the demon's.

But he snaps them open wide when he feels other cold hand moving inside his shirt, rubbing over his bare skin.

It was getting more than 1700 words so will see you in next chapter.

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