Me: (alarmed) A specialist? Why, is there something wrong with you...Auntie?

I suddenly feel scared. So far, this year is so fucked up, having one of my dearest love ones getting seriously sick is not really unimaginable at this point. If Auntie Yan is sick, I will really curse this year.

Auntie Yan: (giving me a reassuring smile) No. Nothing is wrong. I'm just getting old.

Me: (looking at Xiao) Okay, tell me what is going on with her...

Auntie Yan: (ladylike gasp) Dayu ah, don't you trust me? I said nothing is wrong...

Me: (wincing) I love you, Auntie. But even I can read that you are downplaying this. So let me grill Xiao, okay? (to my friend) Tell me what is wrong.

Xiao: We don't know yet. But lately, Mama has been having a harder time flexing her dominant hand, her right hand. When we consulted a doctor back home, she said it might be nerves and gave us a name of a nerve specialist that practice here in the capital. We got an appointment tomorrow.

Me: (to Auntie Yan) Do you need me for anything? What can I do?

Auntie Yan: Stop worrying and let us sleep here for three nights.

Me: You can stay here for a month. Or even a year. Just...take care of yourself more.

Auntie Yan: You are just like your mother. When I told her two days ago about the diagnose on my hand, she started fretting, just like you right now. So I will tell you what I told her, I am not dying. Apparently, having nerve and bone problems are part of getting old.

Me: You are not yet old. You are like what? Thirty five...

Xiao: Oh my god...

Auntie Yan: (laughing) Oh you silly boy, I am fifty already. Like your parents.

Me: My parents are both thirty five.

Auntie Yan laughed again. Xiao sighed.

Xiao: Stop buttering my mother up. If she is thirty five, does that mean she got pregnant with me when she was seven? That's fucked up.

Me: (sneering) Did she give birth to you? I thought she just found you on the woods and took you home. You two don't look alike. You are ugly while Auntie is beautiful.

Xiao: (outrage) I look like my Baba and you know that! You just called my Baba ugly!

Me: (wincing at his loud tone) Do you look like Uncle? I don't think so. I don't remember Uncle being ugly. He was always handsome and cool. Right, Auntie?

Auntie: (chuckling) Yes. Xiao's Baba was always cool.

Me: (sneering at my friend) See, Uncle was cool. You are not. You are adopted.

Xiao: (whiny tone) Mama! Dayu just called me adopted! Mama!

Auntie laughed again.

Auntie: Oh, you two were always getting on each other's nerve. Maybe you two should consult with that specialist as well.

Me: No. I don't need it. But Xiao sure do. He acts like an old man now.

Xiao: Yeah, Dayu doesn't need a nerve specialist. He needs a psychiatrist. He is crazy.

Me: (offended) Hey!

Xiao: What?! What?!

We glared at each other. Auntie just drank her coffee and was unfazed by me and Xiao. She is used to us by now. Xiao and I has always been like this since we were in diapers.

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