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Im a sunflower
A little funny
If I were a rose
Maybe you'd pick me

hehe i suck at writing hehe

Lila Rose

I had gotten myself a new bottle of water and made my way out to where Harry was, him having told me to go sit out by him instead of going back in with the girls and Jace. I still don't understand why he would tell those things to someone who leaves on tour with Harry the next day. It almost makes me think he has something against me that I just can't seem to figure out. I obviously don't want that, and I would never want any issues with any of the bandmates, but its still kind of suspicious to me.

I walk out slowly towards where the boys were sitting, Mitch greeting me with a smile as he took a long drag of a blunt that I hadn't noticed before. The sight of drugs doesn't make me uncomfortable at all, I actually think they're quite cool, but as I had said before, they are all things that caused Ian to do what he did, besides what I had done to cause him to do that.

"Hey Tulip," Mitch smiles as I take a seat on the cement next to Harry and Jeff. I smile at him, watching closely as he passes the blunt to Jeff, me watching him take a slow drag before blowing out the smoke. I wrap my arms around my legs, watching them.

"You know, Tulip, I've been trying to get Harry to let you come with us to our smoke sessions, but he's being an asshole about it," Mitch says and I laugh, seeing Harry shoot daggers through his eyes at Mitch, almost like he want supposed to bring it up.

"I uh don't smoke," I shrug, and Mitch nods, shrugging and I watch as Jeff passes the blunt to Harry, my eyes completely captured by him breathing in the smoke with his cherry-red lips, and blowing it out in the most attractive way possible. I had to close my mouth to make sure I wasn't drooling. I squeeze my legs together when a feeling I hadn't felt in so long erupted in my lower stomach, catching me by surprise.

"Since our first show is in San Fransico in two days, I was thinking that maybe tomorrow after we get there we could maybe sightsee a little? It wouldn't be for long," Harry shrugs, and Mitch and Jeff nod as I just sit back and pay attention as they all talk with each other. The relationship they have, there three of them, is so different than anything I have ever experienced with three males before, and It's honestly cute. I know that Harry disliked Mitch and Jeff, but it's almost in a cute way how much they both know how to push his buttons.

"Do you want another beer?" Harry asked Mitch as he finished his, Harry standing as Mitch nodded, him waiting until he's gone before turning towards me.

"So what did you and Harry do the other day?" He asks as he raised his eyebrows suggestively at me and I laugh, shaking my head.

"We went to the bookstore," I say and Mitch gasps.

"You got Harry to go to a bookstore?!" he screeches and I hear a sigh from behind me as Harry sits back down, practically throwing the can of beer at Mitch as he was bent over laughing. I look up at Harry guiltily, squinting up at him through the setting sun.

"Yes Mitch, we went to a bookstore," Harry says proudly and he raised his hand to give me a high five, Mitch scoffing and rolling his eyes at him.

"You must really have this guy keen of you if you got him to go to a bookstore," Jeff says and both Harry and I's cheeks go red as Harry laughs awkwardly, looking at me quickly before he looked away. I didn't mention the fact that it was Harry's idea in the first place to go to the bookstore, and by the way, he gave me eyes he knew what I was thinking.

"Are you excited for the shows, or are you more nervous?" Jeff asks and I take a second to respond to him as I watch Harry take another drag of the blunt, puffing the smoke out into the air in the most drool-worthy way possible that I had to blink a few times before I could answer.

"I'm a bit nervous...but also excited too," I shrug and Mitch starts off on a whole rant about how Yoga really helps him with his anxiety and stuff, and Harry just rolls his eyes before turning to me, the blunt now in Jeff's hands.

"Stevie told me she was going to help you pack tomorrow, and I told her I would drive you to the bus with that okay?" He asks and I feel my shoulders settle, knowing that I'll have him with me to walk me through everything.

"Yeah that's great," I smiled and I stand to grab my phone from where it was on the counter, texting back Clara on how she had asked how the night was going, going back out into the now chilly night air, seeing Harry and Mitch working on starting a bonfire farther out in Harry's backyard. I chuckled to myself as I saw Mitch slap Harry on the arm for getting ash and soot on his new pair of Gucci's.

"Yanno...Harry talks about you a lot," Jeff says as he eats a slice of the watermelon that Yasmine had brought. I widen my eyes as him and he laughs.

"He does?" I ask and I feel butterflies rumble in my stomach and a smile appears on my face at the thought of Harry talking about me to Jeff, someone he probably wouldn't reveal his feelings too.

"Fucking annoying actually...wouldn't let it go the other day on how much he's enjoyed reading now that he's met you again," He says and I connect eyes with Harry for a second, seeing the setting sun reflecting in those green orbs of his as he smiles at me, me giving him a smile back. Jeff walks out there with him, and I just sit back and watch them until it got too late, and I had to get ready to go home.

"You're leaving?" Harry frowns as I fumble with my keys in my hands, nodding.

"I've got to get going...big day tomorrow," I say and he nods, walking me up to his front door as I worry over the words that come out of my mouth.

"I'm doing the right thing arent I?" I say quickly and I see the surprise behind his eyes at my question, but he steps forward anyway, heaving a heavy sigh at my words.

I honestly have no idea what made me ask that or why I felt like he would have a good answer to reassure me, but I knew that Harry would never judge me for asking something like that. I want to make sure I know what I'm getting into and after the stressful three weeks I've had, I feel like I have the right to be able to ask Harry something so stupid like that. Harry pressed his lips together and he stepped forward, and I sigh again as he takes me in his arms, giving me more of an answer than I was honestly expecting him to give me.

"You deserve to have some fun, Lila. Let go...don't worry about it okay? Everything is going to be fine," He mumbles as he kissed my hairline, the feeling of his soft lips on my head making my body cool down and my heart stops beating so fast.

"Get some sleep tonight okay? Promise me you'll text me tomorrow night if you can't sleep," He says and I mumble out a lied promise, leaving the safety of his arms and getting into my car and driving home.

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