Wuthering Hights

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Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy
I've come home, I'm so cold
Let me in through your window



i sowwy :0


I honestly had no idea if she would even know about the books I would like or not, but I used this as a way to get closer to her before the release tomorrow. Plus, I need something to take my mind off of the anxiety that comes along with releasing my first solo album, and when I'm around Lila all of my focus is on her. I look down the row of books to see her reading the back of one as she chewed nervously on her nails, her eyes scanning the words as I admired her from afar.

I hate taking Mitch's advice, but the second he said something about reading, I thought of her. I tried to read that book, I really tried, but about a third of the way through the first chapter I fell asleep and that's when I knew it wasn't for me. I held a little basket in my arms, setting down the book I had read the back of, and starting to walk towards her. I knew the other day was dense between us, considering how much that hug seemed to change the way she sees me, so I just wanted us to have a day for ourselves. No paparazzi, hopefully, no Jeff and absolutely no fucking Mitch.

"What does men-metan-metanoia mean?" I mumble out as I pick up one of the books she had in her arms, her giggling quietly to herself as she snatched it back from my hands again.

"It's...when someone changes drastically after a journey," she mumbles and I raise an eyebrow at her. She shied away from me as I look down at her, going back to reading the back of the same book as I stare at her. How does she know these things? Maybe the schools in Kentucky are like genius schools or something. I look down to the basket I held as she toys with the edge of the first page of the book, my eyes distracted by her as I pay no attention to the summary of an oddly interesting romance book I had picked up.

"Did you find any?" She ask and frowns at the empty basket and my cheeks flush as I realised I was too distracted by her to actually focus on finding a good book. I was looking at her gorgeous golden hair and those eyes, so blue. When I think of Lila, its never been in a sexual way at all, but I see her more in a comforting way. Someone familiar that I can be around when I need a distraction, and the same for her to me.

"I- I couldn't find anything interesting," I lie quickly and she hums, looking around before leading me towards a different section.

"These are fantasy...some are more crime and some more exploring. Maybe those would withstand your attention span?" she says and I roll my eyes at her attitude as she smiles proudly at her joke.

"Very funny," I muse as I pick one up, reading the title A Wrinkle In Time. I had heard about the movie that came out about it, but I had never really payed any attention to the reviews or anything. Mitch saw it with a guy once, but he decided to horridly fill me in on how they barely even payed attention to the movie.

"My dad loved that book," I hear Lila say and my heart stings at the expression on her face, looking away from me like she didn't mean to say that out loud. I press my lips together as she picks up another book, pretending to read the back and the title of it before she squeezed her eyes shut for a second.

"He did?" I say, not wanting her to worry about talking about him around me, and even revealing to me how hard its been losing him. It was hard for me to lose him, so I cant imagine the pain she must be going through to lose someone so close to her like that. I lost my step dad a while ago. Robin was very important to not only me, but my mom and sister too. My dad left when I was really young, and it still hurts that he just up and left. It hurt my mom the most, someone she loved so dearly just up and leaving out of nowhere. Ive talked to him every now and then, but I haven't seen him since the third tour of One Direction.

"Yeah, he-he liked fantasy books," She said quietly as she watches me closely, me placing the book in the basket we had been sharing. I nod, letting my eyes connect to hers as she tried to look away again.

"He didn't seem like the reading type," I mumble and I see her smile again as it seems like a memory flashes through her diamond eyes.

"He wasn't, but after raising me I guess he was," She says and I find myself laughing at that. I would have payed twenty dollars to see Atlas Sinclair reading a book in his daughters purple room. It must have been pretty cool to grow up with a dad like hers, someone so down to earth and more of a father figure mine ever was for me.

I pick up another book, giving her a second to be by herself as I move down the line of books, hearing her take a deep breath beside me. I don't wast us to have to be on eggshells around each other, but its what is best for now. I don't want to see her the ways she had been yesterday, so distraught over her feelings that she felt like sh head to runaway form us to just get the simple relief she needed.

"I think I'm gonna get these," She says softly, toying with two books in her arms. I take them into my hands, her watching me closely as I inspect the books. Salt To Sea and Cinder. I hum, nodding as I read the back of Cinder, something I could recognize as a fantasy, much like A Wrinkle in time. I grab the two books I had selected, that oddly interesting romance book called twilight, something I had also heard about, and the other book as we walk towards the checkout.

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