"Hungry I take it?" He chuckles and I nod, I'm not ashamed of it either.

"I haven't eaten anything besides a damn energy bar this morning, yeah I'm hungry." He only chuckles, starting to eat as well. Standing with my burger, I walk over to the fridge. Feeling stiffer than a damn bored, a hot bath is in my near future.

"How was the ride?" Grabbing some waters I walk back to the desk handing him one before going back to my seat.

"It was good, nothing major to report. What were you up to in that time?" He shrugs, finishing his burger.

"Getting ready for Builder and Red to come back." I still can't get over that name, Builder. Shaking my head at that, I can only shrug, I'm sure there's a story.

"Builder looked familiar." I remark watching the expression on his face, seeing him nod slowly before looking away towards his fries. Yeah I figure there's a story there, but it ain't my place to know it. Finishing my food up, I grab my container tossing it in the bin. Going back to the last of my paperwork, I really need to finish this shit up.

"You look tired." I chuckle, nodding, I don't need a mirror to know that I look like hell.

"That's because I am. I've had a longer day than normal." My phone rings, making me sigh as I pick it up answering it. "What's up?"

"Kode, I have some issues." Brad's voice comes over the line, I wasn't looking to hear these words.

"I already don't like where this is going." Leaning back in my chair, I stare at my computer screen.

"I sent you an email, I found the shit you needed on, Kevin and his loyalties." Shaking my head I open up the new email, looking over the information, nothing really new. Stopping I see a few bits that draw my attention.

"Money issues, that solves one mystery. What's the issue?"

"I'm chasing a dead girl of a dead girl." Pinching the bridge of my nose, I groan. This ain't what I need to be hearing.

"Dead? That's comforting."

"I'm still digging, don't worry. I've found two false identities. The name Isobella is a dead end, sorta." Staring at my computer I watch as I get another email, seeing it's from Brad, showing some information.

"Shady shit either way." Reading over the little he's sent over, I have to growl.

"Kode, you really need to watch your back with this. I'm still digging, but it's going to take a hot minute. Do you care if I pull in a little help for this?" Dropping my hand, I stare at the screen, minimizing the emails.


"Makayla, we were military buddies." Tapping my fingers on my chair, I finally have to force a breath through my nose. I need a drink.

"Fine, keep shit quiet." I trust him to keep his ass covered when he's hunting for information. Hanging up, I glare at my screen.

"Not good news?" I shake my head, resting my elbows on my desk, I feel a migraine coming on.

"Nope. But I'm saving that issue for tomorrow. Wanna head inside Cowboy?" He chuckles, nodding. Shutting everything off I lead him inside, giving him a brief tour before we make it to my room.

"Nice place little lady." I give him a tired grin as I peel out of my clothes, dropping them into the hamper. Heading for the bathroom I start the large bath. I was smart enough to use a hose and rinse myself off. Otherwise I'd just be sitting in a tub of dirt.

"I hope you don't mind, but I need a soak." Stepping into the bath, I have to stop myself from moaning.

"Only if you don't mind that I join." Grinning I becon him with one finger, enjoying the show he gives me before slipping in behind me. Smiling, I lay back against him, enjoying the warm water and warmer body. Turning on the jets, I close my eyes in bliss. Digger wraps his arms around me, resting his large hands on my belly.

"I hope you don't mind if we take it easy tonight. I don't think I got the energy for much." He chuckles rubbing one hand over my stomach in a relaxing pattern.

"Nah, I don't mind. I like the take it easy idea. You look a little rough, I think sleep is in order for you." I give a sleepy nod, hell I'm already working on the whole sleep thing.

"Good, because as much as I want to, I don't think I'd keep up." Digger let's out a soft chuckle, rubbing my arms.

"You're tense." I snort at his words, I'm always tense.

"That's not shocking. I'm still stiff from sleeping on the ground for two weeks straight." I still haven't adjusted, or limbered up again. I'm hoping after a day or two I'll be back to normal. Then again I'm not betting my money on that.

"No offense little lady, but you need a massage." His words make me chuckle, I don't think I've ever had one. I've never been one to let random people touch up on me.

"I don't let just anybody work on me." Digger lets out a slow amused chuckle, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. His hands come to my shoulders, pressing his thumbs into my tight muscles.

"Well it's a good thing that I ain't just anybody." Moaning, I sit up slightly, enjoying the feeling of his hands as they work my tense muscles. Who knew he had such talented hands, chuckling. I did if I'm being honest, the man is talented in bed. He's one wild ride and I love it. Pushing back against his hands I let out another moan, feeling like a cat.

"You are all bruised up little lady." His fingers dance over a dark mark with a tender caress. I don't know what's working more, the water or him.

"Sleeping on rocks ain't all that comfy Cowboy." Chuckling as I lean my head down, just as he adds pressure to a knot at the base of my skull.

"Ask nicely and I'll kiss them better." Digger, nips at my earlobe driving me mad, he plays dirty. Leaning against him just as he works his hands down my belly, rubbing my legs.

"Pretty please Cowboy? Kiss them all better for me?" I know I sound like a needy little hussy, but hell. Put yourself in my position, would you refuse a sexy biker, kissing your bruises? His hands move to the inside of my thighs, tapping, gently, oh he knows my ticks.

"Then we should move this to the bed little lady, I want to be thorough." He moves his hands behind me, making me stand up. I look back at him as he slowly looks up my body, before shooting me a wink. Chuckling, I shake my head, oh he's good. Stepping out of the tub I grab a towel drying off. The warm water helped me calm down from the crazy day. A luxury you never know you miss until you spend two weeks taking a dunk in a cold river. Reaching down I hit the drain on the tub, leaving the bathroom.

Deciding to tease him back I drop my towel in the hamper, walking over to my bed. Pulling the covers down, I know I'm not going to be awake all that much longer. Whatever Digger has in mind, I doubt I'll want to stand to get under the covers. To be fair, I doubt that I'll want to do much of anything. "Lay down little lady, let me play doctor." Chuckling, I shake my head as I lay down on my belly, wrapping my arms around a pillow.

"Are you even qualified for that Cowboy?" I hear his chuckle, just as he straddles my legs. Pinning me in place, my hair is pushed away from my body making me shiver.

"I've heard I have some magical hands." Oh the confidence only makes the statement more concrete. 

My KnightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora