Chapter 27: By Royal Appointment

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After deciding Murphy's fate, Rory, Clarke and Bellamy all head back into camp

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After deciding Murphy's fate, Rory, Clarke and Bellamy all head back into camp. As soon as they get back inside the walls, Rory calls the remaining gunners over. She collects the guns of the ones they lost to the sickness and distributes them to 5 newly appointed gunners. Once that is done, she gives them their instructions and they all leave to their stations without any fuss, only Monroe and Miller staying behind. The two of them follow Rory, along with Bellamy and Clarke, into the briefing tent so that they can work out their next steps.

"It isn't safe yet for Raven to leave the dropship, so I want Monty to sub in for her. Is that okay with you two?" Rory asks Bellamy and Clarke. They nod in response. "I also want Jasper and Finn so we can discuss the bridge but Finn's probably going to want to stay with Raven so I say we leave him to it. Octavia needs to be here too, she knows more about the grounders than any of us and right now we need as much information as we can physically get. I want to know every single one of their weaknesses so we can exploit them and use them to sway the battle in our favour."

"So, they're still coming?" Monroe asks.

"Yes. Blowing up the bridge will have done but delay them and anger them. The war is coming." Rory says, the air feeling heavy with the weight of saying those words out loud. She turns to Monroe and Miller, "Can you go and get them for us please?" They both nod and begin to head to the exit of the tent. "One more thing. Go to the dropship first? I want Murphy here too. Find him first and send him ahead."

Miller fights back a grin when he sees Bellamy's face. If steam really did blow out of people's ears when they were mad, the whole tent would be filled to the brim. He nudges Monroe towards the exit, neither of them wanting to be there to hear Bellamy's reaction. "Sure thing, Queenie. We'll be back soon."

Rory turns to Bellamy and as soon as she does she knows what he's going to say. "No," he tells her flat out.

"I know you don't like him, but I do. He's one of the most important people in my life and I want him here." She tells him. "I'm in charge, Bellamy, asking the two of you if you were okay with Monty stepping in was out of courtesy. You can protest and fight me, but Murphy is going to be here. Besides, leaving aside my feelings towards him, he was in their camp. He knows how the grounders work, the size of their forces, their structure of command. His knowledge is invaluable to us."

"Plus, he deserves to know what we've decided. It's not fair to keep him in limbo, wondering if we're going to banish him from camp every second of the day." Clarke says, speaking up. "And, honestly, if it wasn't for him stepping up today to help with the sick, we would've lost so many more of our people."

"Cinders seems to be warming up to the idea of John Murphy. What a turn up for the books." Rory says, a surprised look on her face. She locks eyes with Clarke and mouths 'thank you' to her, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Bellamy.

A few seconds later, the tarp covering the entrance opens up and John Murphy's bruised and battered face appears in the gap. Rory nods her head, gesturing for him to come inside the tent.

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