Chapter 2: Multiple Shots Fired

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Murphy leads the delinquents' charge from the dropship onto the actual ground, every single person happy and smiling, even Bellamy Blake

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Murphy leads the delinquents' charge from the dropship onto the actual ground, every single person happy and smiling, even Bellamy Blake. For once they were just kids, they were just teenagers. They were all excited to be on the ground. Bellamy's first instinct is to head over to his sister and Rory who are currently holding each other and spinning in circles. He lets out a laugh when he sees them and walks over to the two girls. For the first time in both of the girls' lives they are free, they are living. Yeah, Octavia had a small moment of freedom when she went to that party but it wasn't real freedom because there was always that worry she'd be found, which she was. This was proper freedom and Bellamy loved seeing it. He vowed that he would never let anyone destroy that.

"Bellamy!" Octavia calls out when she sees her brother walk over to them. Both girls stop their spinning and release each other from their tight grips, stumbling to regain their balance but never stop laughing. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It sure is O." Bellamy replies, the smile never leaving his face.

"I'm going to go and explore a little bit." Octavia says, already heading off away from the pair looking like she was about to go and conquer the world. "Come on Ro!"

"She'll catch you up." Bellamy says, his face loosing its smile. Rory notices this and realises that it's 'Bellamy's serious conversation face' so sends a nod and smile Octavia's way when she starts to pout. "Stay safe. Don't wander off too far."

"Yeah yeah whatever." Octavia replies, already growing tired of her brother's overprotectiveness. "I'll be fine, I'm a big girl Bell I can take care of myself."

With a small wave at the pair Octavia heads off leaving Bellamy and Rory alone for the first time in a long time. Both of them are so caught up in watching Octavia skip around the place saying hi to all the other delinquents that it takes a few minutes before either of them say anything.

"Princess." Bellamy says, glancing down at the girl stood next to him laughing slightly as she watches his sister grab Murphy and spin him round. "I've got something for you."

"Intriguing." Rory replies, tearing her gaze from the forest around her and looking up at Bellamy. "Do tell."

"It's stashed away in the drop ship." Bellamy says, tilting his head slightly towards the ship. Rory, taking this as a cue starts walking back up the slope with Bellamy trailing behind her. "Your dad gave it to me when he saw me entering the drop ship."

"My dad?" Rory asks incredulously. King Alexander has never done anything to help her so why would he do something now? "Why would he want to help me in any way?"

"To clarify, your dad not your father." Bellamy says, reaching down behind the seat he was sat in and grabbing a dark coloured backpack.

"Marcus." Rory says quietly as she takes the bag from Bellamy's hands. Even on Earth Marcus Kane pulls through. "Thank you."

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