Chapter 33: No, The End Of The Beginning

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"Where's Octavia?" Bellamy asks, glancing at Miller and Monroe

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"Where's Octavia?" Bellamy asks, glancing at Miller and Monroe.

"She left 5 minutes ago. Didn't say where to. She thinks she's a damn samurai." Miller mutters, remembering watching Octavia bound into the woods swinging her sword.

Rory smiles at his comment. "That's Octavia Blake for you."

Bellamy smiles too, then he refocuses on the woods. "You see anything?"

Monroe shakes her head. "No. What the hell are they waiting for?"

"The longer they wait, the better." Bellamy tells her. "This is about buying time for Raven."

Suddenly the radio crackles to life, making them all jump slightly. "I see them. They're moving! I count two, 3, no, wait, there's more. I don't know, man. There's too many of them." Sterling says, his message cut off by the sound of gunfire.

"Who was that?" Bellamy asks.

"It was Sterling," Rory quickly answers, knowing where every single delinquent is located, "he's head of the South foxhole."

Bellamy let's his gun rest on his shoulder whilst he picks up his radio. "South foxhole. South foxhole, report now."

"Yeah, yeah. We're ok." A breath of sheer relief leaves Rory upon hearing Sterling's voice once again. "They didn't attack. It's like... it's like shooting at ghosts."

Everyone in the foxhole looks out into the woods intently, trying to spot any movement and hoping they don't. In the distance, Rory spots something. It's just a brief, miniscule movement of a branch, but it's quickly followed by the presence of a grounder. The grounder in question darts from one side of the foxhole to the other, and is quickly joined by a number of other grounders, suddenly the forest is seemingly packed to the brim with grounders.

Monroe sees it too. "There! I see them!" She shouts, making Bellamy and Miller spot them.

Monroe is the first to shoot, letting off round after round of bullets. Miller joins her, doing the exact same thing. None of their shots land, none of them except Rory's. She stays silent in the foxhole, biding her time until she's worked out where they're going to move next. Once she has, she lets a single bullet fly, aiming slightly to the left of the head anticipating their next move and, it works. The bullet hits the grounder right in the middle of their head, their body falling heavily to the floor and ceasing to move.

"Stop! Stop. Hold your fire! Hold your fire!" Bellamy shouts, watching as their bullets are wasted. Eventually, Monroe and Miller both run out of bullets, the only sounds from their rifles being the clicking of the trigger. "Reload. Now."

Miller looks over to Bellamy. "Those were our last clips." He says. Rory soundlessly reaches into her pocket, pulling out her extra clip and handing it to Miller, and then lets off another successful shot. Miller quietly thanks her, and divides the clip into two, handing one half to Monroe to put in her now empty clip.

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