Chapter 12: Shooting Stars

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Bellamy shows the group where he put the radio and, much to Rory's dismay, it turns out he threw it in the river

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Bellamy shows the group where he put the radio and, much to Rory's dismay, it turns out he threw it in the river. Clarke, Raven and Finn all decide that they should try to find it in the hopes that Raven can somehow fix it. Before they all wade into the water, Rory suggests going back to camp to get some reinforcements which the group agrees with. Clarke, not wanting to be around Finn and Raven, volunteers and so does Rory, who knows they may need to threaten people to come with them and the camp isn't afraid of Clarke...yet. The two leave, Rory whispering some threats to Bellamy making sure he doesn't murder Raven whilst they are gone. Finn's fair game.

They quickly head back to camp, silence falling between the two. Every now and then, Clarke huffs at Rory and asks her why she let this happen. Rory ignores her and, when Clarke asks the question for the third time, changes the topic to that of Finn Collins. Clarke, desperately needing to vent to someone, tells her everything that has happened and fills her in on all the missing details like the sleeping together in the art supplies bunker and the fact Raven is Finn's actual girlfriend.

"Do you want me to kill him? Because I want to kill him for you. How dare he mess you about like that?" Rory exclaims, looking ahead furiously.

Clarke shakes her head and smiles sadly at her friend. She can't deny that she had missed interacting with Rory like this. "If anything good has come out of this, it's us having this conversation. Look, I'm sorry about before and blaming you for not stopping Bellamy and everything that went down with Murphy. I was wrong about it all, I let my emotions cloud my judgment and it won't happen again. I don't want us to fight, Ro. I've missed us."

"I've missed us too, Clarkey." Rory replies, reaching out and grabbing the girl's hand. "Remember when it seemed like our biggest problem was who we were going to date and end up with and whether or not we should ditch class?"

"Oh god. You and Andrew." Clarke exclaims and lets out a laugh. Rory groans loudly and buries her head into her free hand.

"Don't remind me. I hated that guy so much." Rory says, laughing along with Clarke. She thinks back to their life on the Ark and how her father had matched her up with the boy he thought was most suitable. "He was such a control freak and honestly, so oblivious! He didn't even realise I ditched our dates to go hang out at the Blake's."

"I hated the way he treated you. I lost count of the amount of times I had to physically hold Wells back from knocking him out." Clarke says with a sad smile on her face as she remembers Wells. "You know I would've found some way to stop the arranged marriage, right? I wouldn't have let him and your father take you away from us."

"I know, C. You may be little but you're fierce." Rory replies, letting out a laugh as she looks at Clarke. "Hey, I'm sorry about your dad. If I had known what was happening I would've tried to stop it. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"There's nothing you could've done, you don't need to be sorry." Clarke says sadly. She clears her throat and glances at Rory. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry about your mom. I didn't visit you because I honestly didn't know you'd been arrested, they wouldn't tell me a thing."

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