Chapter 18: High Goodbyes

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Rory and Bellamy spend the next few hours walking through the woods in relative silence

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Rory and Bellamy spend the next few hours walking through the woods in relative silence. The two of them follow Clarke's directions exactly, never diverting from the route she told them to take. They stop to have their lunch rations at one point, Bellamy pulling them out of his backpack and handing Rory her share, and they eat in silence. Neither one of them are in the mood to talk about anything particularly serious and, seeing as they still had a lot that they needed to discuss about what went down during their time apart, they couldn't exactly talk about mundane things like the weather.

"Look," Rory says, breaking the silence that has fallen over them, "I know we both want to avoid Jaha for, like, forever but the first dropship is gonna come down soon. There's nothing we can do about that, you're going to have to face him at some point."

"I can try my best not to." Bellamy mutters, following Rory down the slope.

Once they make it through the trees they get a clear view of the area in front of them and they know they've got the right place. Up ahead at the bottom of the slope there is what looks to be a small lake surrounded by dilapidated buildings. Rory can't decide if the lake was meant to be there and had existed before the bombs hit or whether it was a result of the changing weather conditions and its sunken position at the bottom of the small valley. It certainly didn't look as welcoming as the river and Rory didn't have to fight the urge to go for a quick swim. There's rubble everywhere from the destroyed buildings and, surprisingly, a lookout that still somehow seems to be standing.

"Clarke said the depot is supposed to be around here somewhere. There's got to be some kind of door to it." Rory says as she comes to a stop. She turns around to face him. "I mean, we didn't exactly talk in depth about it but he seems to have forgiven me. He'll do the same for you, I'll make sure of it."

"I shot the man, Rory. He's not just gonna forgive and forget all because you asked him nicely."

"Who said anything about asking him nicely?" Rory replies, folding her arms and looking up at him. "You just need to get it over with, face them all."

"What? Like you have? I'll talk to Jaha when you talk to Kane which, will be never." Bellamy tells her. He starts to walk away from her in the opposite direction. "Let's just split up, cover more ground. Stay within shouting distance."

Rory lets out a groan in frustration as she watches him walk away. "Haven't you heard? I'm trying something new. I'm running towards my problems now rather than away!" She calls out to him. "Why do you think I came out here with you?"

After a few seconds she follows after him, turning to go down the slope instead of up like he did. She puts Bellamy to the back of her mind and looks around, trying to find some indication of a door. The situation on the ground is getting progressively worse as the days pass for everyone in camp and all of them know that the youngest of them will be the first to go if they can't keep themselves warm over the winter months, which is why Rory ignores her problems and keeps looking for the door. The glint of the door doesn't catch her eyes so she moves closer to the ground, clearing away the overgrown branches and grass.

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