Chapter 61: Bonds

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Imar: Haven't you been listening to me at all?!
Imar: Over my dead body! I can't do that!
Tia and Jacob: What?
Kathy: Why not, Imar?
Carter: Honestly, your irritating, stubborn attitude hasn't changed at all. You're more unpleasant than ever!
Imar: Shut up, you-
Tia: That's enough. Don't you dare finish that sentence or I swear to god Imar, I will reckon your world even more.
Jonah: Imar, Julian isn't wrong. He does make an equitable point.
Julian: Exactly. Thank you, Jonah.
Jonah: And since I'm a cop and you're aware of the districts places, then you have no choice, but to inform me on this.
Julian: At least hear me out.
Imar: Okay then. Talk!
Julian: If you tell us where this anonymous person's hideout is located in, we can get Barry back, this person will be behind bars once he or she gets it's identity revealed, and you're able to get your younger brother, Felix back.
Julian: It's perfect that way.
Imar: No, I can't! If I rat this person out, he or she will kill my brother, without caring at all.
Carter: I... I understand that it's scary for you, Imar. Trust me, I truly do.
Carter: Even if you do lose your brother, there are going to be times where you feel hopeless, but no matter what... you're never going to be alone.
Carter: I learned that with Julian and the help of my friends.
Kathy: I'll be here for you. I know you're in the most vulnerable situation and if you need me... don't be nervous to come to me, okay?
Julian: We need you, Imar. You're the only person who can help us and everyone out in the real world.
Robert: This person needs to pay for what he or she has done and to do that, it needs to go to prison where it belongs.
Tia: Not Carter. She's innocent.
Jonah: And if you don't take us there, then God knows how much other murders it could commit.
Jonah: Not only you're gonna rescue your brother, but you could save tons of other people out there.
Jacob: And it'll be all thanks to you.
Ivan: Without having your assistance on this, we would be screwed and remain to be unaware of where Barry is secretly hiding in.
Imar: All right.
Jonah: Seriously?
Angelo: Are you sure?
Penny: You're not playing with us, are you?
Imar: No. Come follow me to my secret, office room before I change my mind.
Jacob: Secret office room?
Ivan: Why you say that like it's weird?
Jacob: Because it is.
Jonah: I have one, you fool.
Jacob: Yeah, but you're a cop and Imar is just-
Imar: Ugh, shut up please.
Jacob: Yes, ma'am.
Ivan: Whoa, this is your office room?
Imar: Are you surprised?
Ivan: Definitely. You got some sick ass technology here.
Kathy: Nerd alert.
Ivan: Blondie, don't tease me. Save that for bed next time.
Jacob: Ew!
Jacob: Why did you have to say that out loud in front of all of us?!
Imar: Folks, if you prefer on having to continue your horny conversation then I suggest you take it outside.
Ivan: Sorry, Imar.
Julian: What's that?
Robert: A computer, dumb ass.
Julian: No, I meant what Imar opened on the screen.
Imar: This is everything I have so far from the hideout. I have been entrusted into keeping this information in concealment.
Imar: These are the security camera footages of where this hideout is taking place in.
Jacob: Gross. It looks like it's in underground.
Imar: That's because it is underground, you dirty slob.
Jonah: Seriously?
Ivan: So that's why it was difficult for us to trace where this person was hiding in.
Kathy: Because it's not above ground from where we're standing.
Imar: Barry is currently being locked up right in here.

Imar inherited an exhibit of a footage with Barry internally inside of. For right now, he's presently locked in chains with both sides of his wrists. It injured me to look at observe him like this. He must be suffering big time, knowing the fact that he looks like he's some imprisoned pet as if someone has him under control, which is obviously most likely true. Robert showed vulnerability in his saddened, blue eyes.

Robert: Oh my god, Barry! No...
Julian: Don't worry, man.
Angelo: We're gonna get him back, Robert.
Jonah: What else do you have?
Imar: Basically everything containing the information of this hideout.
Imar: I know it's not exactly like a superior luxury location, but hey look on the bright side, your friend Barry is still alive.
Tia: If it has Barry, why didn't this person just kill him already?
Tia: I mean, don't get me wrong. I care about Barry and I can assure you that I don't want him to die, but how come he's still breathing?
Imar: Best I can tell, given the times I've worked with it... I think this masked person is stalling.
Imar: I just don't know why specifically.
Carter: So you've had this all along and you didn't think to tell anybody about this?
Tia: Carter-
Imar: It's not like I had any other free options. I was forced to keep my mouth shut.
Imar: What else was I supposed to do? Let my fucking brother die?
Carter: I never verbally said that, Imar. I just think you should've at least informed someone about this, instead of keeping it in the dark.
Imar: Yeah, well, thanks for the "walking on sunshine" empathy heart you got there, Carter.
Imar: Don't try to act like this is an easy task. It's fucking hard more than you realize.
Carter: I know that! I'm not trying to put any pressure on you.
Imar: Then what is that you're trying to do, huh?! Make me feel like crap?
Imar: There's no need for that. I feel it every single fucking day.
Carter: All I'm saying is that I wish you could've at least asked for our help or anybody else for that matter.
Imar: Yeah, that's cheap talk coming from the one who couldn't even tell the police when this person first started texting you.
Jonah: Okay, enough fighting! Both of you.
Jonah: More importantly, how do we arrive to this destination?
Imar: There's an underground cellar that I have to go through to get inside. I'll be sure to take you guys there.
Imar: You have to climb down from the cellar with a ladder and walk for at least five to ten minutes if you want to get Barry back.
Robert: We're going now.
Jonah: Yeah, we have to hustle up on this.
Imar: No, wait! It's only afternoon, we should do it tonight at eight o' clock.
Carter: Imar, it's better to go now. You have everything about this place.
Jonah: We came here to just gather information in case if you worked with this skull masked person.
Julian: And since Jacob was right about you working with it, it's best to go there now.
Ivan: You're more useful than us here. We can count on you the most.
Carter: Also we've been waiting for this since day one, so-
Imar: Ugh, you guys don't get it! Look, during this time of hour, there are security guards surrounded everywhere to keep a lookout of who's breaking or who's entering.
Imar: If we do it at night, then it'll be perfect that way because on that specific time some of them exit the hideout to go home and get some rest.
Kathy: How many are there anyway?
Imar: More than thirty at least, but for nighttime there are only at least up to ten or maybe a few little extra more.
Jacob: More than thirty?!
Angelo: How did this person manage to find so much?
Imar: Trust me, it's got skills more than you think. Exceptionally a bonus if you ask me.
Ivan: It doesn't matter we can take them all down.
Kathy: Yeah, after all we did attack a lot of the snake members.
Jonah: There were more than thirty at the masquerade ball, so we can handle it.
Imar: Don't get your hopes up. It's not as easy as you think.
Imar: You guys came asking for help and that's what I'm trying to do. As a task, I refuse to let you guys do whatever you want without having to listen to my point of view.
Imar: I know more than you, so due to that you must follow my damn rules. No questions asked.
Jacob: Do you have to be so mean?
Julian: Jacob!
Jacob: Sorry.
Tia: Okay, fine.
Kathy: Deal.
Carter: What?! Seriously?
Julian: Carter, come on now. She does make a fair point.
Angelo: If there's too many of those guards, then it can take longer to rescue Barry.
Carter: Whatever then.
Imar: Perfect. Come back later. I'll give you guys outfits for all of us to wear.

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