Chapter 23: Friends

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Jacob's POV.

Anger has been boiling inside of me. I wasn't relieved about what happened between me and Barry. Hell, I was disappointed. I couldn't believe that my own best friend would question me if I am capable of doing something terrible. I mean, seriously, me?! The only thing I could be guilty for is cheating on a damn test. I know it's not comparable in the slightest, but I had to say it. Although, there's an instinct feeling reminding me to not fully blame him. There was something else that I actually haven't told him. There was only one secret that I have kept for long enough since September. I'm going to tell him, but not right now because I need to try to cool down. I'm gonna go talk to my sister Izzy.

The Next Day.

Barry: Robert, it's too early for this.
Robert: Oh suck it up, buttercup! it's never too early to be studying math.
Robert: Dude, I actually made a new math song, wanna hear it?
Barry: No! Please god no!
Robert: But-
Barry: Put. That. Damn. Phone. Down.
Robert: Jeez, someone here can't have fun all simply because he's emotional and sensitive.
Barry: No, I just don't want to listen to a song that is full of embarrassment.
Robert: You haven't even listened to it. How do you know it's embarrassing.
Barry: Robert.
Robert: Yeah?
Barry: It's embarrassing. Accept it.
Robert: Whaetever, dude. You're not entertaining at all.
Barry: Okay, I'm not going to take those words from a hot-headed and a stubborn math nerd.
Barry: Let's go inside.
Robert: Good idea. Oh and I bought donuts.
Barry: I hope you bought chocolate sprinkles because if not, I'm kicking you out.

Back to Carter and Julian.

Carter: Thank you for meeting up with me for breakfast.
Julian: Hey, anything for a friend.
Julian: So any recent news about something?
Carter: Actually there is one. I decided to quit being a cheerleading captain.
Julian: What? How come?
Carter: It was just not really the best for me.
Carter: I've been late a couple times and I know that's no excuse, but I haven't really felt motivated nor encouraged to participate in that sport.
Carter: I thought I'd have fun and be excited about trying it out and giving it the opportunity, but it turns out it's not my thing.
Carter: Plus I don't think I fit as a cheerleader to be honest.
Julian: Well, I can actually understand your reasons for it. I don't blame you and going through the constant struggles is never an excuse.
Julian: But I think you're really good at everything.
Kathy: Oh! Look who we have here. It's the two lovebirds.
Carter: Kathy?!
Julian: You work here?
Kathy: No, I'm just suddenly wearing a waitress outfit just to say hi.
Kathy: Yes, you dumb ass. I work here.
Carter: Wow. Kathy Griffin works at a bakery cafe. Totally unexpected.
Kathy: Yeah, well, I actually need money.
Kathy: Don't tell Imar this, but she's struggling for a place to live, so I'm surprisingly going to buy her an apartment.
Julian and Carter: What?!
Carter: How are you going to afford her an apartment working at some bakery cafe?
Julian: Why not just take your dad's money? Aren't you guys rich?
Carter: And besides, if you're going to purchase her an apartment, I'm pretty sure you're gonna need to get a way better job than this one.
Carter: No offense though. I'm not trying to sound rude. I'm just giving an honest input.
Kathy: Oh, chill out, lovebirds. Don't worry about it. I have my ways.
Kathy: And none taken.
Kathy: I've got impressive skills.
Kathy: And trust me, Julian... stealing my dad's money is not going to be as easy as it sounds.
Kathy: So I know you guys already ordered, but do you need anything else?
Julian: Nope, we're good.
Kathy: Okay then. Toodles.
Carter: She's being so different now. I don't know what happened.
Julian: What do you mean?
Carter: Well, she was like a narcissistic, popular cheerleader who acted like a stick up priss, but now it's like she's becoming a different person. I wonder what's up.
Julian: Maybe she wants to change now for whatever reason.
Julian: Sometimes people go from being an asshole to a decent, human being.
Julian: It's known as wanting to improve yourself in order to become a better person.
Carter: Do you think she won't tell anyone about... you know?
Julian: I'm pretty sure she won't. Barry and Jacob know her very well and I'm certain they trust her.
Julian: She might be seen as someone who spills people's secrets, but I don't think she would gossip about something as serious as that.
Carter: Yeah, I think you're right.

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