Chapter 4: Not All Donuts Come Out With Holes

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Carter's POV.

Patricia: Carter! Dinner's ready!
Carter: I'm not hungry!
Patricia: You barely even ate anything. Just come down already.

I had no choice, but to listen to her command. It's not like I can try to talk her out of it. I groaned from fatigue and went downstairs. I took a little piece of lasagna and some water.

Patricia: You sure you don't want more lasagna than that? That's not enough.
Carter: Oh, so now you're talking?

I talked in amusement, but with sarcasm to show her how she's been treating me like when Ryan has been murdered.

Patricia: Carter.

My mom looked at me with the most angry eyes like she was trying to scare me. At this rate, I felt completely vulnerable to fight back, so I let this slide, but didn't yell at her when I spoke up. I talked while being more calm and open-minded.

Carter: I don't care, Mom. I just told you I'm not even that hungry. Please don't push me any further.
Patricia: Fine. Suit yourself.

Back to Julian + his POV.

I got a text from someone. Turns out that the name of that person was "man eater" when I catch a sight of that name. I obviously knew who it was. I checked the text and it said "Jeez, I'm surprised you haven't texted me yet." I texted back saying "Really? You named yourself "maneater" on my damn phone?" I waited for her reply and she clarified to me saying "Yep that's right." I waited for a few minutes later, until she texted back. She told me to meet up with her at Domino's. I kindly accepted to go. By the time I made it there, I took a glimpse of seeing her sitting at a table. She waved at me to lead me over. I sat down right across from her.

Tia: Well, isn't this nice? I figured you would like pizza.
Julian: Who doesn't like pizza?
Tia: I guess losers with no taste.

I looked down and I have realized that there was a pepperoni pizza right in front of my eyes.

Tia: Remember when I asked you what was your favorite kind of pizza when we texted?
Julian: Yeah, I said pepperoni.
Tia: Ding, ding, ding.
Julian: Did you pay for this?
Tia: Yeah. I did.
Julian: What?! Really?
Tia: Mhm.

Tia picked up her pizza and put into a position of eating it when it looked like she didn't even gave a single fuck about what I was saying.

Julian: You should've let me at least pay. I have my wallet with me.
Julian: I could've helped you out.
Tia: Look, don't sweat it. It really doesn't matter to me.
Tia: Ooh after this, can I come over to your house?

Why would she wanna go to my house? Is this some type of her way playing with me or is she relying on hanging out with me?

Julian: Uhh... why?
Tia: Well, we're friends, right?
Julian: Of course. I never said we weren't.
Tia: So this is what friends do. They go to each other's houses.
Tia: Don't worry, you'll come when I throw a party.
Julian: You're throwing a party?

I asked confusingly like I didn't anticipate on her having one.

Tia: Mhm.
Julian: When?
Tia: Maybe like a few days after Ryan's funeral.
Julian: You're going there, right?
Tia: Yeah, duh. I'm Carter's best friend and Ryan was...

She stood there in silence, awkwardly. She bit her lower lip and set her eyes on the table like she was trying to come up with something. Perhaps, a lie. Even with being close to her, I can tell she was trying not to break down her barriers. She's practically hiding a secret that nobody is aware of. I sat there in confusion, waiting tolerantly for her to say something. Why is she being so peculiar?

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