Chapter 52: Expect The Unexpected

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*Back to Barry + his POV.
My mind flushed back to the memory of the night I shared my real love with Robert. I remembered how we went from kissing to sharing a deep, desire love that was meant to exist for reality. Our reality. I keep hoping that he's alive just like everyone else is, but a little part of me is worried if whether he is dead or not. No words can comprehend how much I honestly miss him. I wish nothing, but for him to return.
Jonah: Barry, are you okay?
Barry: Yeah, I'm fine. How are you holding up with Carter being in prison?
Jonah: It's still a little difficult. We're gonna try to take our time on this.
Barry: Well, whatever information you have about her or even Robert just let me know, okay?
Jonah: Yeah. Sure.
*Jonah's speech bubbles: Barry, my son... I'm so sorry.
Barry: I'm gonna take some rest now for tomorrow.
Jonah: Yeah, good idea.
*Back to Tia + her POV.
I knocked on Jacob's door and then Ivan was the first one that opened it for me.
Tia: Ivan? What are you doing here?
Ivan: I told him the plan on what we're gonna do for the future. Remember?
Tia: Oh! Yes, right. That.
Jacob: Hey, Tia. What are you doing here?
Tia: Listen, I need to talk to you alone.
Jacob: Oh. Okay then.
Ivan: I'm about to be off now. I was just leaving. Later, guys.
Jacob: Bye, bitch!
Ivan: That's just insulting.
I chuckled from Jacob being goofy at Ivan.
Jacob: So what do you wanna talk about, Tia?
Tia: I wanna talk about...
Jacob waited for what I was about to say as he slightly quivered his head.
Jacob: About what?
Tia: Us.
Tia: You confirmed your feelings for me a while back and well... I'm willing to give you a shot.
Jacob: You want me to murder you?!
Tia: No, Jacob! That's not what I meant.
Jacob: Oh.
Tia: I meant take a shot by trying out with sharing a relationship with you.
Jacob: How did... where is all of this coming from?
Tia: I had a dream that just happened and only lasted for like a half an hour.
Tia: It was about me and Ryan being engaged and what the future would look like.
Tia: Almost to the end of the dream, I learned that I do want you.
Tia: I want you more than as a friend in my own heart.
Tia: The bond that we share is filled with light, faith, pure, and above all... it's special.
Tia: I can't see you as my friend anymore, so I want to just... at least see where this road takes us.
Jacob: You really mean that?
Tia: Yes, I do.
Jacob: But what about Ryan?
Tia: I'll always love him and care about Diaz, but he's gone now. In the dream, he mentioned that he wants what will be best for me.
Tia: And I think you're the one that can be the best for me.
Jacob: Well, the feeling is mutual.
Tia: What?
Jacob: What you just said... is exactly how I feel about you.
Jacob: I've been waiting so long for you to actually say those words to me. And now you finally have.
We didn't say anything, but felt awkward as we smiled at each other and started thinking on what we should say next.
Jacob: So... are you gonna ask me out or should I?
Tia: I will, since I was the one that came here.
Tia: Jacob Juan Hernandez, will you accept the fact for me to become your girlfriend?
Jacob: Yes, I will.
Jacob: Thank god. My dreams are finally coming true because of you.
Few seconds later, my lips were now all of a sudden linked into his. There are times where I would envision myself with Jacob on how our kiss would feel like. So far the best I can tell is that our lips together is a portion of a healthy benefit for our relationship. His lips brushed off against mine like it felt very soft, delicate, and it gave me butterflies in my own stomach. It'll always be worth to remember.

The Next Day.

School came around and when it did, I just had some few, boring classes to get through for the day. And then tonight is when we have to make sure our plan goes perfectly well. I caught Penny in the girls locker room. We were the only ones alone in here.
Tia: Hey, Penny.
Penny: Hey, Tia. How are you holding up?
Penny: I heard about Julian's girlfriend being in prison and all.
Tia: It's been rough, but we're trying our best to figure out what we can do.
Tia: Oh, and by the way they're not dating.
Penny: Yet.
Tia: True.
Penny: Hm. That bastard Ryder won't stop talking about her. He's acting like a son of a bitch.
Tia: No need to remind me that. I already know.
Something captured my eyes right away when I observed Penny's knee. She had a skull tattoo. It almost looked the same one from the skull gang that the members use. Could she be part of the gang or am I just being paranoid?
Tia: Nice tattoo.
Penny: Oh. Thanks. Skull is kind of my favorite. It gives me the horror vibes.
Tia: You like horror movies?
Penny: Yeah, but I mostly prefer watching things with so much action.
Tia: Hm. Cool.
I cleared my throat, trying to avoid the fact that I was somehow feeling unusual with this skull tattoo that she has got as a permanent mark to represent something that is maybe filled with justice. I went out of the girls locker room, wondering whether if I should just immediately tell Julian about this right now or wait until after we succeed our plan with the anonymous person.
Imar: What?! You held him hostage?
Imar: Are you sure you've got this under control?!
Imar: What if you mess up on this?
*Jacob's speech bubbles: Is Imar okay? She's acting kind of strange.
Imar: Okay then, if you say so. Be sure not to let your guard down.
Imar: Yes, of course! I know exactly what I'm supposed to do.
Jacob: Uh, Imar?
*Imar's speech bubbles: Shit!
Imar: Uh, I gotta go. Bye now.
Jacob: Are you okay? You look kind of mad.
Imar: Yeah, no worries. I am okay, I swear. It's just... family stuff.
Jacob: Uh-huh. Right. Okay then.
Jacob: See ya.
Imar: Bye. I'll be heading to class as well.
Jacob: So weird.
Angelo: What's weird?
Jacob: Oh, holy shit! You scared me. Hey, Angelo.
Angelo: Hey, Jacob. Any news on Robert?
Jacob: No. Not yet. No one knows at the moment.
Angelo: Dammit. I really miss him so much.
Barry: Oh, get lost, buddy. Robert doesn't wanna hear anything from you.
Angelo: Excuse me?
Barry: Just give up already. You two aren't dating each other.
Angelo: You know you've got some major jealousy issues there, Cruz.
Angelo: I suggest you sit your ass down and stop behaving like a poor, stubborn bastard.
Jacob: Okay, okay, okay, come on guys now. Let's just settle down and-
Barry: I may act like a stubborn bastard, but I'm certainly not poor, you dumb fuck.
Angelo: Shallow as always, Cruz. It never looks good on you.
Jacob: Hey, let's sing a song! Who's with me?
Jacob: What suggestions we got here?
Barry: And acting like a condescending king doesn't look good on you, but you never had considered to trying your best to stop that, didn't you?
Jacob: I can sing the theme song of "Dora The Explorer" if you guys want me to. I mean, pfft, come on. Who doesn't like Dora?
Angelo: Look, who's talking. You try your best to be superior just because you're some popular, football player.
Angelo: Just stop getting in between me and Robert. He's not into you, since you two basically yell at each other all the time.
Angelo: And besides, he's not into boys like you.
Barry: Then care to explain as to why we had sex for boys night out?
Jacob: Barry! That's too much information.
Jacob: People in this school like to gossip tea shit.
Angelo: You know what? You wish. You're just-
Julian: Okay, you guys. Settle down now. I'm sorry, Angelo. Can you just give us a minute here?
Angelo: Whatever, fine. I was just about to leave anyways.
Barry: Good. Beat it.
Jacob: Text me after school, Angelo!
Jacob: Ow! Why'd you hit me in the arm?!
Jacob: What was that even for?
Barry: He's not your best friend. I'm your best friend.
Jacob: Whatever, Cruz.
Julian: Didn't I warn you to try to be nice to him?
Barry: You did. For the past ten thousand fucking times.
Barry: I'll be going now. I gotta get to class.
Julian: Be polite!
Barry: Whatever, Hart.
Jacob: Hey, are we still on for the plan tonight?
Julian: Yep. Of course.
Julian: It's really best that Barry doesn't find out about this, otherwise he'll just go recklessly in exchange for Robert's life.
Jacob: Yeah, that really does sound like something Barry fucking Cruz would do.
Julian: His Dad said the same thing as well.
Jacob: Ironic.

Few Hours Later.

Kathy: Hey, Mr. Cruz.
Jonah: Oh, hey Kathy. What are you doing here?
Kathy: I was just about to go visit Carter. I need to talk to her and it might take time.
Kathy: Can you please contact the other officers that there's something important I want to discuss with her about?
Jonah: Yeah, of course. Sure.
Jonah: I'll just text and inform them.
Kathy: Thanks.
Jonah: I'll be going now. Take care.
Kathy: You too.
Jonah: Oh, and by the way, I heard what happened with you and Barry. I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Kathy: It's fine.
Jonah: Are you okay?
Kathy: Yeah, I am. I mean, it does hurt, but the best I can do is just move on from that, you know?
Jonah: I do. Good luck with Carter.
Kathy: Right. Thank you.
Jacob: Yes, Julian. We're on our way. We're just outside of my house.
Ivan: Jonah had to go run some errands, but he's coming shortly.
Ivan: I'm sure he's almost here.
Jacob: Where are you and Tia?
Julian: She's with me in my car right now. We're just waiting to start driving for you guys.
Jacob: Oh, he's pulling up right now.
Ivan: You can start driving, but wait for us once you arrive there.
Tia: Will do.
Julian: Bye.
Jacob: You took so long, gramps.
Jonah: Sorry, I just needed to do a few things.
Ivan: No worries. Ignore the idiot.
Jacob: Rude.
Ivan: Let's get going.
Jacob's POV.
Ivan and Jonah went inside of Ivan's van, but before I could enter, I heard a rustle sound from one of the trees close by my house. It was coming from behind me. I took off my shoe, raising it across the air of the wind.
Jacob: Who's out there?! I have a shoe and I'm not afraid to use it!
Ivan: Jacob, what the fuck? What are you doing?
Jacob: I think someone's following us.
Jonah: You're being paranoid.
Ivan: No one is here. We've been standing outside the whole entire time.
Jacob: But I heard something from the tree.
Ivan: It was probably just a squirrel.
Jonah: Or just the wind. The weather is like that at times.
Jacob: Oh.
Jacob: Well yeah, I guess you guys are probably right.
Jonah: Get in, Jacob.
Ivan: Let's just get going.
Ivan put the keys to ignition and drove away from my house.
*Back to Carter + her POV.
Police Officer #1: Ms. Diaz.
Carter: Yes?
Police Officer #1: You have a visitor. She needs to talk to you and Jonah informed me to let her talk to you as much as she wants.
Police Officer #1: This is lucky for you because you'll be getting more of your time with this conversation.
Carter: Is it Tia?
Police Officer #1: I don't know. I didn't catch her name.
Police Officer #1: Just come follow me.
I exit my prison cell and started walking next to the officer. Soon enough, I was able to reach a dead end with a certain someone, but this time I was puzzled as to why she is here. We're not even that close friends, so I just don't get it.
Carter: What are you doing here?
Kathy: I really need to talk to you about something that has happened from the past.
Kathy: I never told anyone about this and I think that you're the first person to be aware of this.
Carter: Be aware of what?
Kathy sat still as stone and revealed a deep, heavy breath wondering if she is ready to confess the truth about something I deserve to know.
Carter: Kathy, be aware of what?
Carter: What are you talking about?
Kathy: Me and Ryan have been close before.

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