Chapter 57: Breakout

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Imar: Hey, Penny! You joined the squad.
Imar: Congratulations.
Penny: Yeah, well... you wanted me to, so it's not like I could bail on your recommendation.
Imar: Aw, so you did this for me?! You took my advice?
Penny: Don't push me!
Imar: Sheesh, you ruined the moment. That's just distinguishable.
Imar: Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the team.
Penny: As long as all these cheerleaders don't get on my back or try to be uncivilized simultaneously, then I'll be fine.
Penny: But I can't promise you that I won't quit because there will come a time where I'll get exhausted of this.
Imar: Roger that.
Joey: Hey, you girls doing okay?
Imar: Yep.
Penny: Mhm.
Kai: Are you two becoming friends or something?
Penny: Ew, no. I don't like her.
Imar: Discourteous, much?
Penny: Not that it concerns you, but yes.
Joey: Okay, then. We're about to start our warm ups.
Penny: Cool, I guess.
Kai: Joey come help me out with something.
Joey: Sure.
Imar: Quite unusual that I'm trying to get along with Penny Hart, but somehow she manages to still dislike me.
Imar: How lovely.
Penny: Like I said, don't push me, Mitchell.
Imar: Whatever. I'm gonna go get some water before we begin.
Imar: Don't get too bored standing all by yourself, dear.
*Penny's speech bubbles: I do like you, ya idiot.

After School.

We did what Jonah instructed us to do for when school is over. We gathered Ivan's van when he pulled up a tiny, square sized black table in the middle of the trunk. It was a small space here, so we kind of had to squeeze in together, but at the same time it wasn't that exaggerating.

Ivan: I already have everything planned for us on how to break Carter out.
Jacob: For real?!
Angelo: How did you do that when we were spending time at school?
Ivan: Today was my lucky day because I had a lot of free time.
Jacob: Lucky bastard! I want free time.
Jonah: Back to the subject. How are we gonna help Carter escape?
Ivan: Look at this whole map that you downloaded into your computer of the whole, entire prison.
Jonah: Wait, how did you-
Ivan: Jonah, I'm an expert at being a computer hacker. Don't forget that.
Ivan: And when I found this information, I printed it.
Ivan: Anyways, back to what I was gonna go over.
Ivan: We're not gonna hurt anyone or try to put them in danger.
Ivan: Here's the prison courtyard. According to when I have hacked into the system, I've seen a few security cameras there.
Ivan: And there's another camera around the other side of the corner.
Ivan: If we blow up this wall, then we won't be bound to get caught, but obviously the police officers and the prisoners are going to hear the explosion.
Ivan: That'll be our chance to get Carter as quick as we can and get to the escape door where Jonah will be considered the escape driver for us.
Jacob: Or... we could just blow up the wall from Carter's cell room, she'll run out of the room with us, and then bullseye! Mission accomplished!
Jacob: I know, I'm intelligent. No need to remind me that, babes.
Ivan: That would be literally impossible, Jacob. We can't afford to do something like that.
Jacob: What?! Why not? It seems better that way.
Ivan: Because Carter is located on the third floor, which is the middle of the building for the high security prison. She's being locked there.
Ivan: Blowing up her room will mean that the building could have a ninety-seven percent chance of getting crumbled and-
Julian: Lives will be taken because of us.
Ivan: Indeed. And people could get injured.
Jacob: Sheesh, sorry to burst your bubble for the confidence you were holding up, Ivan.
Ivan: I'm not trying to show off. I'm just talking about the plan.
Kathy: Do you really think blowing up one wall won't lead you guys into being locked up?
Ivan: Yes, I'm sure because I have another idea once we get inside the building.
Angelo: Which is?
Ivan: We'll escape some prisoners, just to keep up the distraction in the process.
Jonah: Release prisoners?!
Jacob: Are you a psychopath or something?!
Jacob: That's even more crazier.
Ivan: Chill out, you guys. Let Daddy Ivan finish explaining and then you losers can make judgmental comments.
Ivan: Save your pep talks for a moment.
Ivan: We'll only just help escape fifteen to twenty prisoners. The cops will track them down very easily.
Ivan: I have a key to use for the prison cell lock.
Kathy: This seems too much risk, Ivan. If we do that, then we'll be held responsible as well.
Ivan: I know, but it's like Jonah said, he'll try talking some sense through his allies and workers, so we just gotta have faith in that.
Ivan: We don't have a lot of time. Barry is still out there being held hostage, so we gotta do this fast.
Ivan: You folks are either with me or against me.
Jacob: Alright, if we're gonna blow up a wall then I call dibs on being the one who takes charge of that.
Ivan: Fine by me.
Julian: Do we have to show our faces when we do this?
Ivan: No, you dip shit. Don't be an idiot, Julian.
Ivan: I have masks we can use that'll cover our entire face, except for our eyes and mouth.
Ivan: They're pretty much ski masks, but with holes in them. And we'll be wearing a full on black attire.
Jonah: So who's gonna go inside the prison?
Ivan: Me, Kathy, Tia, Jacob, and Julian will go.
Ivan: Angelo, I'm sorry, but you'll be the one staying with Jonah in my van, mostly because you're new to this group and we would like to just keep you safe for now.
Angelo: Understood.
Ivan: You guys will be talking through to us on a walkie talkie.
Tia: Seriously? Why can't we just use an ear piece?
Jacob: Walkie talkies are fun, Tia.
Tia: Walkie talkies are for children.

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