Chapter 20: Hatred

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Anger and frustration fueled upon my burning hatred. I let the whole entire surroundings stay away from me, and focused on this bitter disgust I have for this person. Nothing really mattered to me. I was in a lost, state of mind for tonight. I wanted revenge. My retaliation took control. It's not letting me release it. The anonymous person is trying to make me suffer and be feared. I have to prove to this person that I'm mentally strong. I don't need to give this person a single scratch nor a bruise, I just needed to give this person a fucking lesson. As I made it to this unknown street, I went behind this huge building that was currently closed. There were a pile of cigarettes and papers placed on the ground. I saw a dumpster that was a few feet away. But those things I listed weren't the only two things I've seen. There were now three at present. That number three was a person who is unfortunately breathing. The anonymous person faced towards the direction I made and spotted me staring.

"You came. About damn time."
"I'm quite surprised I arrived before you, dear."
Carter: I had a few things I needed to do.

I walked towards this person, while I was glaring with an eyes full of vengeance. It annoys me how I constantly have to wonder who this person is and wish for that their entire face and body to not always be covered. I guess I always think about how their reaction is like, or maybe even pick up the hints from their eyes. I need to view the anonymous person's face, but that's not going to happen anytime soon.

"Wanna explain to me why this is your second time having a gun and what was the point of you leaving me that voicemail?"

I took a deep breath to make it loudly certain and crystal clear that I wish to say the things that I needed to say. Now all of a sudden, that anger emotion I was feeling had suddenly vanished. It disappeared. I don't know why. Maybe it's because every time I'm near this person, I keep wondering if they're the one who viciously murdered my brother. I have to rely on thinking about what's gonna happen next time when the anonymous person sends a message. What will be the next step to go through? Often, I'd feel weak in the knees, but at this moment, my confidence and determined self had decided to be bursted up. I was still somewhat terrified, but I tried my best to restrain myself from that frightening perception. I held up my gun and pointed it close to this person's chest, almost as if I was ready to shoot at any second.

"Mindless idiot."
"You do realize that I'm bulletproof, right? Do you really believe that you're going to accomplish anything out of this?"
"And clearly, Carter, my dear... you are so incautious because you're the one who didn't come in handy."
"It's amusing and quite comical how I'm all prepared to stay alive and you aren't."
"I mean, if anything... who's surprisingly going to be the one to get shot, right here, right now?"
Carter: I'm not going to kill you.
Carter: As much I want to pull this damn trigger, I can't have the heart to get you hurt nor take away your life.
Carter: From my perspective, in this situation, death isn't the answer.
Carter: Sure, from my instructive thoughts, I desperately begged myself to just put a bullet right through your heart, but it's not worth it.
Carter; I'm not that kind of person. I'm nothing like you.
Carter: So instead, consider yourself lucky because I'm just going to give you a simple warning.
Carter: You're gonna stay the fuck away from me!
Carter: You're going to stop texting me or I swear to god, I'll be the one to find you myself, fight you if I need to, and eventually figure out your real identity if you give me no other choice!
*Carter's Thought Bubbles: Don't worry because either way... I will find out who you are and why you're doing this to me.
*Carter's Thought Bubbles: Maybe not right now, maybe not tomorrow... but one day I will.
Carter: So you better walk away and learn to leave me alone, if you don't wanna get reported to the police.
Carter: I'm done with your little game that you've been playing all along.
Carter: You got that?!
"Aww, how cute! The way you've driven into the dark side and had the guts to approach me like this because of a threat."
"I always knew you had this in you, but you were never willing to embrace it. And now you just did.
"Well done, Carter Diaz."
Carter: This isn't funny. I meant what I said.
Carter: I will tell Barry that you're the one who shot him and I will tell the cops if you keep bothering me.
Carter: And something also tells me that there's a slight chance that you're the one who killed my brother.
Carter: I'm highly 100% sure you did though.
"Keep on throwing a scolded lecture full of threats if you have to, but you're never gonna get answers if you report about me to the police.
"I mean, maybe not right now, maybe not tomorrow... but one day you will."
"That's if you don't inform the police about a mysterious, creepy person anonymously texting you.

Dear Ryan DiazHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin