Chapter 33: Burn

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Jonah put his hand right through the door to unlock the door for us and then he opened it, letting us in. The glass he broke through was pretty small, which none of us could fit through. We were finally inside that we highly consider and believe the possibility of the anonymous living here, so all we have to do is just try to find Carter.

Julian: Alright, so where do we-

Before I could even finish my sentence the lights were off that caused all of us to flinch and feel unsure of what just happened.

Jacob: Ahh!
Barry: *Whispering* Shush! Be quiet.
Jacob: *Whispering* Sorry! That randomly scared me! It just happened out of nowhere!
Robert: What the hell was that, man? You screamed like a frightened, little kid.
Jacob: Gee, thanks for your brutal, honesty affirmation.
Robert: Anytime, buddy.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Carter's little, beloved friends."
Robert: Great. Now this is going to start getting more negotiable.
"To what do I owe this pleasure?"
Jonah: Whoever you are, give it up right now and return Carter to us.
Jonah: My name is Jonah Cruz. I'm a police officer and if you don't listen to my orders, then things are gonna start to get more cryptic and atrocious.
"That's totally fine by me. I'm always up for a challenge."
"You won't be getting Carter, unless you can find her yourselves."
Tia: You don't need to hide yourself behind a computer like a damn puppet. You're gonna get arrested either way, so just turn yourself in!
"That's where you're wrong, Tia. I'm not a puppet."
"I'm the emperor of this tale."
Barry: Yeah, well... you won't be an emperor for much longer.
"We'll see about that."
Jacob: Technically emperors were like back in the 1400's, right?

I had my hand up against my face and everyone else just looked down, pretending that they didn't hear what Jacob said. That information is clearly not important right now in this serious situation.

Ivan: Jacob, now is not the time to be bringing up about history past.
Julian: Come on, let's just go and find her.

We all started walking in the dark as we were kind of unable to see, but taking careful steps and making sure that we stick together.

Jacob: Wait! You guys really wanna walk in the dark?
Jacob: And this hallway is too cramped and has such small space! I can't take it.
Robert: What are you? Claustrophobic?
Jacob: Dude, what is that?! You know I speak Spanish.
Robert: Uh, do you not know what that word means? It has nothing to do with language. It's-
Jonah: Forget it.
Jonah: Come on, Jacob, you'll be fine.
Jonah: Are you forgetting that I work for the police? I won't let anyone hurt you.
Jacob: Good point.

Jacob began walking forward towards us, so we all turned our backs and walked straight along. Jonah asked if somebody could use a flashlight on our phones and that's what we tried to do, but unfortunately and surprisingly, our phones refused to turn itself on. It was similar to the time where we all got stuck in that elevator, not getting any assistance.

Jacob: Dammit! Why does this person have to be so smart?
Barry: Wait, guys, hold up! I think I found something.

We saw a keypad that had light, which made us feel relieved, so we could see Barry and we decided to walk as we went up to him by standing next to him.

Barry: It's a keypad.
Jacob: Yeah, but how are we supposed to get in to this... weird looking door?
Julian: Kind of looks like a single, elevator door.
Robert: How the heck do we even go inside if we don't even know the damn code.
Ivan: Oh, I got this step aside.
Jonah: I can do it if you want.
Ivan: No, no, it's fine. I know how to work this just trust me.

Ivan started pressing his fingers against the keypad, accessing it for us to go inside whatever was behind that door. He knew exactly what he was doing. I couldn't even pay attention to half of how he was planning to get us in, considering how fast his fingers were and how skilled he was. Therefore about ten seconds later, the door had finally opened thanks to Ivan.

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