Chapter 14: Face to Face

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Barry: Hold up! You want what?
Julian: You heard her.
Carter: I want to confront the anonymous person.
Tia: Carter, why would you even want that? This person is attacking you.
Robert: Yeah, and they're basically a creep for spying on you.
Carter: Guys, look. I've made up my decision.
Carter: I know it sounds insane and dangerous, but I can't just sit around and do nothing.
Robert: That's exactly what we've been doing.
Tia: Seriously, Robert?! We've managed to spend all day at the park, trying to keep track, and that's just sitting around?
Robert: Yeah, well, we didn't find out anything. Did we, Tia?
Julian: Hey, don't pin the blame on anyone here.
Robert: I never said anything about Barry this time.
*Barry's Thought Bubbles: Is he beginning to grow on me now?
Julian: Either way, that's really not the point about the park discussion, you guys.
Julian: The point is that Carter wants to meet this person and obtain answers to whatever she is concerned about.
Tia: I'm pretty sure this anonymous person is not gonna reveal there face. They most likely might wear a mask.
Barry: Yeah, it'd be pretty idiotic if this person came, without hiding there face.
Carter: Okay. that's what I think too, but I still stick to my beliefs. It's best to talk to have a conversation with the anonymous person.
Robert: And what are you even gonna say?
Carter: Whatever I feel like I need to say that comes from the bottom of my heart.
Julian: Carter, this could be a huge step here. Are you sure you're willing to take that risk?
Tia: No, no! Nobody here is going to take any risks.
Tia: This person is going after Carter and must have a dangerous motive.
Barry: I agree with Tia. Meeting this person isn't going to be worth it, anyways.
Carter: I beg to differ on that case. I personally believe it will try to accomplish something at least.
Tia: Carter, you already lost your brother. Don't lose yourself.
Carter: I don't care what happens to me.
Everyone except Carter: Well, we do.
Carter: How many times do I have to clarify my suggestion on going to see the anonymous person? You guys, if you're not willing to participate on this plan, be my guest, but I'm going to do this whether you like it or not. And besides-
Robert: Wait a second...
Robert: What if this anonymous person is more than just some creepy stalker?
Barry: What do you mean?

Before Robert could answer Barry's question, Jacob came inside my house and we all looked at him like we were asking "where were you?" since we've been waiting for him.

Barry: Dude, where were you? I sent you a bunch of text messages.
Tia: We've been waiting for you.
Julian: Is everything okay?

15 Minutes Ago.

Jacob: But there's one sound.
Jacob: That no one knows.
Jacob: What does the fox say?
Jacob: Ring ding ding ding dingeringeding!
Jacob: Gering ding ding ding dingeringeding!
Jacob: Gering ding ding ding dingeringeding!
Jacob: What the fox say?
Jacob: Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!
Jacob: Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!
Jacob: Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!
Jacob: What the fox say?
Jacob: Hatee hatee hatee ho!
Jacob: Hatee hatee hatee ho!
Jacob: What the fox say?

*Phone Ringing*

Jacob: God dammit, Barry! Let me finish my jam!
Jacob: I'm not answering. Please forgive me, my brotha.

Back to The Present.

Jacob: I was doing my homework.
*Barry's Thought Bubbles: Mm-hmmm.
*Barry's Thought Bubbles: These people would be pretty dumb if they even believed him.
Julian: Oh. Well, that's okay.
Carter: No worries.
Tia: At least you're here now.
Robert: You're only like a little bit more than five minutes late, so it's nothing.
*Barry's Thought Bubbles: Wow. And all this time I thought that they were capable of being intelligent.
Jacob: What are you guys talking about?
Julian: We were just discussing that Carter wants to go meet this anonymous person to talk to him or her face to face.
Julian: And now, Robert had something important to inform us, so go on.
Robert: Wait, I'm sorry. What was it again?
Barry: I asked you what do you mean when you said to us that this anonymous person is more than just a creepy stalker.
Robert: Oh, yeah right! I remember.
Robert: Don't you guys think it's weird that all of a sudden, Carter's brother, aka Ryan is dead, and now this person is going after you?
Tia: Yeah, of course we do.
Jacob: So what's your point?
Robert: Just think about it. This person is texting you, Carter.
Robert: Only you.
Robert: Have you ever received anonymous texts that seemed like a vicious, fearful situation before your brother died?
Carter: No, I never did. This is a new experience for me.
Robert: Exactly.
Julian: Huh?
Jacob: Yeah, I'm really confused too. I'm sorry, what are you even trying to say?
Barry: You think this anonymous person could be the murderer of Ryan, don't you?
Robert: Ding, ding, ding.
Robert: If this person is going after you, Carter, I'm pretty sure this person has already went after Ryan.
Robert: The anonymous person has been texting you can't just be some trouble-maker, psychotic bastard.
Robert: It could be someone that killed your brother.

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