Chapter 66: Move Forward

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Ever since I have recommended on conducting my friends over to experience a moderate time, Jonah drove us to a precise destination for us to commemorate our triumph victory of attaining freedom. I know we shouldn't be getting ahead of ourselves, but at least we have made some improvement and dealt with Angelo who was once known as the anonymous person. Thereupon, Penny attended to accompany us. We explained everything to her about what happened, while she finished up her brawl with a snake member.

Penny: Seriously?! It turned out to be Angelo this whole time?!
Tia: Yep.
Kathy: Shockingly.
Penny: That's a surprising plot twist if you ask me.
Barry: I knew right away that something was off about him, but no one believed me.
Penny: I thought he was an ordinary, high school student.
Penny: I'm so sorry for you, Robert.
Robert: Don't apologize. I was a fool all along. I got too naive into thinking that he's worthy of being trusted.
Robert: It's going to take a lot of time for me to get used to the fact that he has been the anonymous person, but I think I'll be fine as time goes forward.
Robert: But anyways, I'm still the one to blame for this.
Julian: No, man. It was mostly my fault.
Barry: Both of you are incorrect. It's technically my fault. I had my suspicions and doubts about him and yet I didn't even do anything.
Jacob: Well, all I know is that it sure as hell ain't my fault.

Jacob took a sip from his soda can like he was being a little too shady. Classic man.

Kathy: Anyways, now that you're all caught up, Penny... let's have a good time, okay?
Penny: Agreed. But why exactly did you invite me here, Julian? Aren't these your friends?
Julian: We felt bad for you.
Penny: Huh?
Carter: It was actually me that gave Julian the advice of you coming over to hang out with us.
Carter: You stopped hanging out with my brother, since he died and to me, you seemed very distant and not sociable.
Carter: I can tell you looked distraught.
Carter: I understand what it's like to be lonely and lose people significant in your life, so I told Julian he should get you to come tag along with us.
Penny: Oh. That's... sweet, I guess.
Kathy: You're blushing.
Jacob: Aww!

Penny slammed the table with her right fist in rage and discomfiture from the mortification she was feeling.

Penny: I am not!
Jacob: Yes, ma'am.
Carter: Also... I wanted to thank you.
Penny: For what?
Carter: Well, my brother did seem to treasure you as a great friend. I'm happy you two were able to get along very well and easily.
Carter: By the story you shared with me and everyone else, I can guarantee that he was grateful to consider you as friend in his life.
Penny: Thanks, Carter.
Carter: Of course.

To a limited extent, I was somewhat contented and proud to encounter a sight of Carter and Penny exchanging dazzling smiles filled with light and represent the darkness being overthrown by this unforeseen, but lucky fate. That one enthralling moment has been removed when a definite, irrefutable someone came over to us from where we were sitting.

Penny: No fucking way.
Julian: Penny, listen-
Penny: What is she doing here?
Jacob: We thought it'd be cool to invite her.
Penny: Invite her?
Barry: Jacob!
Penny: Julian, would you care to explain the fact how you clearly said over the phone "Imar isn't coming" for me?
Julian: Look, it's not what it looks like. I swear, there's a comprehensible reason for this.
Penny: And what might that reason be?
Imar: I'm sorry, Penny. Please don't take your anger out on your brother. I was the one that apprised him to kind of lie.
Penny: Dishonest, huh?
Imar: I actually was planning to come hang out with you guys, but personally I wanted to talk to you.
Julian: And we wished to avoid some sort of conflict with this arrangement of letting Imar come hang with us after getting her brother back.
Kathy: Oh, speaking of your brother, how is he?
Carter: And where is he located in? Is he safe?
Imar: He's currently at my home and I left him alone with one of my friend's that I trust.
Imar: I would've asked Kathy, but she's here with you all and I didn't want her to feel left out.
Tia: That's great, Imar. I'm glad you got him back.
Barry: Well done.
Penny: You... got your brother in return? So he's fine?
Imar: Yep. Safe and sound.
Jacob: I knew that you still care about her, Penny.
Penny: Oh, forget it! I'm going home.

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