Chapter 59: Fearless

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Penny: Oh. Hey, you guys.
Penny: What are you all doing here? And... why are you looking at me like that?

There eyes shed from staring at my existence. The tremble movements and the uncomfortable silence they were getting at just tells me that something surprising is going to happen, I guarantee. What are they here for? I wonder.

Jonah: Penny, we have to ask you about something and you need to be honest with us.
Julian: Can we come in?
Penny: Sure. Of course.

They entered inside the house and immediately into the living room, I got shaken up above the verity that Imar is nowhere to be found. She was supposed to sit still on the couch like I told her to, but for some reason she didn't and I don't understand why. I noticed that the backdoor has been unlocked, so therefore it must mean she has left. Nobody in this household family would ever do what she has done.

Julian: Penny, you okay?

My eyes flickered when Julian waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my illusion. I undeniably deserved that.

Penny: Uh, yeah. Definitely. It's just...

I don't think it would matter if I added them information about this anyway. It's not like I can reassure what happened at this moment. They wouldn't seem to care. I don't get why she would walk out like that, without at least saying a goodbye. Whatever this feeling was, I had to try to get over this confusion and ask her next time when I get a chance to see her.

Penny: Never mind. Forget it.
Penny: Let's all sit down, okay?
Ivan: Sure thing.
Penny: Anyways, why are you guys here? What do you want to talk about?
Penny: And furthermore... why is Carter here?
Carter: It's a long story. Please don't tell anybody about this. We're begging you.
Penny: Okay, I promise then.
Tia: Penny... remember when I noticed your skull tattoo on your knee from the girls locker room?
Penny: Yeah, but what does that have to do with you guys coming here?
Penny: I told you I only did it because it gives me horror vibes.
Jacob: That's what I said! I told you guys!

Kathy used her elbow to hit Jacob's stomach. I wanted to laugh extremely bad right now from how he reacted by her thump.

Carter: Are you sure it's because of that?
Penny: What are you trying to insinuate?
Angelo: Do you have another reason why you put a tattoo like that on your knee?
Penny: I...

Should they know about this? After all, I've been hiding in the dark. I used the advantage of keeping my lips forcefully closed instead of having a change of heart to unravel the truth. Maybe it's time to stop restraining over my life story. Julian does bleed red like I do, so he should deserve to know about this. That goes for Carter and their friends as well.

Julian: Penny... look, I know we haven't been exactly bonding that much like a bro and sis duo sort of thing, but you can trust us.
Julian: You're my sister and I would never judge you for your actions.
Ivan: Let's skip this family bond and get straight to the point. Are you aware of the skull cobra fighting gang or some shit like that?

Brutally honest, I see, huh? I loved how he had the credence to beat around the bush, while everyone took a quick gesture expression at Ivan, pondering why he would do that so precipitately. Honorably, I didn't mind.

Penny: No offense, but I don't think that's any of your business now, is it?
Julian: Come on, Penny.
Robert: We need to know.
Penny: Okay fine. Yes, I am aware of that place.
Penny: I've never been truly honest with either of you guys, especially you Julian and our Mom.
Penny: The truth is...
Penny: I got out from behind bars in February 2019.
Penny: And I am part of the fight club as a skull member.
Carter: What?!
Julian: If you did then... why didn't you come during that time to me and our Mom?
Penny: Because I wasn't prepared to come home very rapidly. I needed some time and to give you two space.
Penny: It was too hard to even return back home and set off a reunion.
Penny: I don't like admitting this because I hate feeling like a coward, but... shockingly, I was scared to come and see you both again.
Penny: During within those months, I've been staying at an apartment for the time being and I have been training to fight.
Penny: I have trained from being locked up as well, but I wanted to gain a little extra more power for myself.
Penny: I was afraid of knowing the fact that you and Mom have moved on and possibly have forgotten about me.
Penny: Mom and our Aunt didn't, but you did.
Julian: That's only because I don't remember much of my childhood. It was a long time ago.
Julian: I mean, I did have these visions about you, but Mom lied to me and said that I was probably imagining a friend from school.
Penny: I know and it's not your fault, Julian. You were very young, but either way, it won't change because it somehow still hurts me.
Carter: Were you close with my brother, Ryan Diaz?
Penny: I was.
Jacob: Ooh, this is getting juicy! Were you two dating?!

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