Chapter 50 : Figure behind the door

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"We'll be back, Ermand," Timothy said, resting a hand on Ermand's shoulder, who was sitting motionless on his bed

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"We'll be back, Ermand," Timothy said, resting a hand on Ermand's shoulder, who was sitting motionless on his bed. "I'm sure if my cheating is caught, I'll be with you, packing my stuff."

"Timothy," Emile scolded. "Don't worry, Ermand. You'll find your Aslehm as soon as possible and you'll be with us in our second year. I'm sure."

Ermand knew his words were just for the sake of bringing comfort to Ermand. Both of them were tentative if Ermand would achieve his Aslehm way before the first examination starts. They exited the room when they heard the first chime, leaving him alone with his packed bag that was dragged from under his bed. The scene of him entering into their room and spending all of his time during the two seasons of the year with them were still precise in his head. Moreover, he didn't know how to face his family, especially Mrs. Chisel, who had high hopes of him.

Timothy and the rest others seemed happy after their first exam was over. They said it was easier than they anticipated about how it would be. The second exam was Defense which was also quite good for them. All that time, Ermand spent his time either in his room or eating alone in the mess hall. And finally, it was the last exam of the series, the exam of the subject-clan studies. Ermand had nearly packed everything in his bag while his friends watched him with dismay. They weren't expecting it. The four of them hugged him before they left for the final exam.

"We'll always be there for you," Charlie whispered before leaving him alone in the room.

The exam seemed a bit difficult for Timothy and Charlie since it was Professor Derek Chestnut who prepared the question paper. The questions he prepared were just like him, insolent and difficult to understand.

It was Professor Chestnut in their class as the invigilator and cheating while he's there was an arduous task. During the middle of the exam, a thumping sound echoed through the walls of the classroom. The students looked around them doubiosly. But they soon ignored it and went about writing their answers. Again, an explosive sound followed after the second thumping.

Many of the students tried ignoring and immersed themselves in writing their exam as fast as they could and free themselves from the examination hall. But Timothy stared out of the window motionless.

"Concentrate in your exam, Timothy Chestnut," the Professor said, giving a gentle slap against his head.

Timothy was compelled to concentrate on the question to which he doesn't know the answer. He glanced at Charlie, two benches ahead to his right.

"Know the answer for eight?" Charlie mouthed, glancing at the Professor strolling behind them.

"No," Timothy mouthed. "Three?"

Charlie gave him a thumbs up and produced a small piece of paper from the inside of his bottle green sweater. He watched out for the Professor before levitating the small bit with his finger.

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