I turned into the town's entrance, and I kept my eyes peeled for Zander's car as I drove. There really weren't many people in this small town. I wondered, briefly, how Zayn even found it. How the hell did he know to place me here? How did he even know this place existed if nothing ever happened?

The questions were racking around in my head as I drove through the town at a moderate speed, scanning the roads and parking lots ahead of me. Finally, I saw Zander's car right outside of the market, and I decided it may be a good thing. I did need to buy more toilet roll anyway.

I parked my car a few cars away from his before climbing out and walking into the store. I grabbed a small hand-held basket before walking down the aisles, appearing nonchalant but keeping a look out for the boy I was looking for.

I saw him within a moment's notice. He was standing in the chip aisle, looking through all of the options, and I wondered briefly if cocaine was the only drug he messed around with.

All I had to do was be in his line of sight.

I waited until he chose a bag of chips, and then I began to walk passed the aisle, looking straight ahead as I moved to where the toilet roll was located. My timing was impeccable, and I heard Zander call out my name before I heard his rushed footsteps to catch up to me.

"Louis," He repeated, joining my side and walking at my pace, which I purposely slowed for him. "Hey. I never heard back from you after you came to visit that one time," He said, trying to sound unbothered, but it was clear his ego was bruised, and I fought away the smile that threatened to form on my lips.

"I've been pretty busy lately. Harry's been scheduling longer hours at the shop," I lied easily, turning down the aisle I needed to be in, and Zander stuttered in his steps before following me.

"Ah, I see," He said, and I turned to him with a raised eyebrow at his tone. It was full of humor.

"What do you mean?"

"Harry," He replied, smiling widely. "If he's giving you more hours then he must want to spend more time with you. Clearly, he has a crush on you."

I shrugged my shoulders as I grabbed the package of toilet roll that I needed, and I felt Zander walk closer to me. I turned to look at him, seeing that he was a mere two feet away from me.

"Of course, I wouldn't say I blamed him for taking a liking to you. I mean, you are fucking hot," He drawled out, eyes skimming up and down my body. I wasn't exactly the jumpy type, but even if his actions didn't make me uncomfortable, they were still disgusting to me. "What are your thoughts of Harry?"

"I don't have any thoughts on Harry," I said, but even as I said the words, I began to realize that they were no longer one hundred percent true. It was that thought that made a burst of panic fill my chest. I had to do my best to school my features and appear unaffected.

"Did he tell you that we broke up?" He wondered, taking a step closer to me, and I shrugged passed him as I replied.

"He might've mentioned it."

Last I knew, Harry was rather unsure of their relationship status. It seemed troubling to him to not know where they stood, and I guess I could understand that. Even if he didn't have actual feelings for Zander anymore, not knowing something was frustrating. I could attest to that.

He wasn't even good enough to lead Harry on the way he seemed to be. Harry deserved to know where they stood.


"He's gorgeous, as I said, so that's not the problem. Just figured I'd rather have a little fun. I'm still young, and Harry's not exactly thrilling to be with," He said as he caught up to me again.

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