She didn't say anything after that, which made Natsu smirk.
"That's what I thought." He said, reaching to the handle of the trap door.

She was about to say something, but her eyes widened when she saw his hand miss the handle, causing him to fall onto the floor.

He landed to the hard ground back-first as the elevator started to shake. Quickly, Lucy bent down towards the man on the floor in panic.
"Oh god are you okay?!" Lucy asked worriedly when she caught side of his pain filled expression.

Grunting, he was about to get up, but was stopped by Lucy, pressing her palm on his chest to lay him back down.
He stared at Lucy confusingly when determination developed in her eyes.

Standing up, she took off her heels and tights, knowing that she would slip if she had them on.

"Why are you stripping???" He asked, looking at her confusingly.
"If I'm stripping, why are you staring?!" She shot back. Natsu's eyes widened, and he flipped his head to the side in an annoyed expression.

Sighing, she picked up the tights and heels, throwing them next to the man as she started to climb the bar on the wall.

"Nice panties." Natsu complimented.
"What the hell?!?" Lucy looked back at him with an "I'm about to kill you" face, to see he was looking away.

"I'm kidding, I don't even want to see them, geez." Natsu said, holding his hands up defensively, chuckling as he continued to look the other way.

Sighing, she turned her head back around, continuing to climb. 'At least he has a small amount of shame in him...' Lucy thought to herself.

She was almost there, all she needed to do was grab the handle, the thing that made Natsu fall.
"Careful." Natsu warned, his voice sounding, for the first time, serious.

Nodding, she jumped from the bar, grabbing onto the handle.

Her eyes were still closed, as if she believed she was still falling.
"Focus!" Natsu yelled, and Lucy flipped her eyes open, a huge childish grin forming onto her lips.

Giggling excitedly, she grabbed the handle with the other hand, until her face fell.


She couldn't do anything, this was a trap door that opened if you pushed it, not pull.
Before she could say anything else, she felt arms wrap about her hips.

She brought her head down to see Natsu holding onto her, holding her up.
"Wha... what are you..?" Lucy asked.
"I'm helping you, it's the only way we can get out!" He said in a cranky tone, and Lucy gulped, embarrassed, but brushed the feeling off.

Looking back up, she sucked in her breath.
"Bring me up... please." Was all Lucy said, and with that, Natsu smiled, pushing her up so she was able to push the trap door open.

Finally, after a few tugs, the door swung open.
Once it did, they whispered a small "Yes!" In cheer, causing them both to look at each other.
She quickly climbed through the trap door, lifting herself up as she sat on top of the elevator room from the outside.

Smiling, she looked through the trap door, bringing her hand down so he could take it, so she could bring him up out of the trap door too.
Natsu shook his head, declining.

"It's alright, just look around for any doors." He ordered, and Lucy nodded, sitting up to look around.

The walls were all made of steel, and the elevator had huge thick wires to hold it up and transport it from on level to another. She looked around when she saw a closed elevator door.

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