-Chapter 16-

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I've been twitching with the feeling to say some lame ass knock knock jokes to random people. Also, I was finally able to draw some nalu and I'm just so happy I was finally able to not fuck it up, I was crying for like hours. It was hilarious because my nose legit started bleeding afterwards, but only because the weather was hot af
ALSO ImNotHereOkUwU did a vote spam!!! Thank you so much!! I'm getting pumped already! (Sorry I'm late but wanted to say it anyway)
Anyways! onto the shit!


 The shattering sound of glass could be heard echoing through the room. 

"Lucy, again and again you disappoint me, you useless piece of trash! Leave, now! Don't make me repeat myself or I'll-" The man held up his fist to the young girl on the floor, who was shivering in fear, both hands clutching at the sides of her head. Tears were prickling from her eyes which were closed shut. 

Her cheek, as well as different spots on her arm, were tainted purple from the painful bruises. Her having them in the first place because she spilled her drink in front of all of the fancy people in the party earlier that day, which, in turn, embarrassed her father, causing him to lash out afterwards.

Sighing, he dropped his hand, signaling the woman standing next to the door with a nod of his head. "Take this filth away from my field of vision or I might strangle her. And you. Be grateful you were born with your mother's face, or I wouldn't have had to hold myself back." The man turned his back to the little girl on the floor as the woman walked to her, lifting the poor 8 year old in her arms.

As the woman exited the room and continued to walk, the woman started to hiccup. The girl had her eyes shut tightly, hands still placed tightly to the sides of her head.

Drops of water dropped on the little girl's shoulder and the girl flinched, slowly but hesitantly she opened her eyes, looking up at the woman who had tears pooling from her eyes like streams, her lips quivering.

Using her free hand, the woman signed, *I'm... I'm sorry...* The little girl's eyes widened as the woman stopped in her tracks in the middle of the enormous hall, a far distance from the room they had just exited. The girl didn't say anything, just stared at the woman who continued her frantic hand gestures.

*I wanted to stop him, to do something. But I was frozen, I didn't know what to do, and he hurt you. I- I- didn't know what to do... I'm sorry...* The woman hiccupped, hugging the little girl in her arms tightly. 

After a few more baffled seconds, Lucy's eye's softened. Bringing her hand up slowly, she patted the back of the woman's head as she continued to hug her. You would think someone would try to comfort you after you get beaten half to death by your god-forsaken father, instead...

"There there. It's okay. It's alright." Was all the little girl said, refusing to shed another tear from her eyes, at least, not in front of her, or anyone.

After a moment went by, many foot steps echoed through the halls, viewing many people in servant uniforms, who had tears running down their eyes in worry as well.

"Lady Lucy!!" They all said in unison, crashing them into a hug. They explained how worried they were, and asked if she was doing okay.

"It's okay, It's alright." Lucy said once again, smiling at them as if the terrible bruise on her cheek was nothing. She was definitely not going to shed another tear, not in front of any of them, not to anyone. That. That was a promise.


Lucy fluttered her eyes open, blinking a few times as her blurry vision began to become clearer to where exactly she was. Noticing shelves with folders, she lifted her head up slowly with a grunt. Her eyes widened, remembering she was at work and had fallen asleep, head upon her kiddie desk. No wonder her back and neck were killing her.

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