Chapter 10

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I am going out due to some urgent business. Have your breakfast. I'll be back soon.



"Would it have cost him his kidney to wake me up before leaving?" I mumbled to myself as I took a mouthful of food. Suddenly I remembered the text.

What if he is in some trouble? Anio! I am worried for nothing! I took out my phone and dialled his number. I tried several times, but it was unreachable. That made me panic even more. I couldn't just sit back and wait. I decided to search for him in the locality.

I looked for him in every nook and corner of the city for about five hours. I visited the cafes, shopping malls, parks etc. I felt clueless at that moment. What will I answer to my parents?

I just walked aimlessly on the road. Some cars sped by me. Suddenly someone pulled me to my left. "Why are you so eager to die?!"

I recognized the owner of this voice but still looked down.

"Jill-ah.... I think you need some good thrashing. Shall I?" Seokjin tried to joke and laughed by himself. Then he realized that I wasn't reacting. So, he cupped my chin and lifted up my face. Instantly his cheerful expression changed into a horrified one.


I remained quiet.

"I know, Yoongi must have done something again. I'll sue that person!"

"Its nothing to do with him. Its just—" My voice broke. He hugged me as I cried in his chest. At that moment Jin was the person who consoled and supported me, not the flirty one who tries to win my heart.

Weused to be best friends once. But that jerk fell for me.😒 He is still my best buddy, though he annoys me way too much. I finally calmed down

"What happened?" he asked in a gentle voice.

"Jimin is not home. I have been searching for him since hours. Even his phone is unreachable. He is never like this, that text—"

He busted into laughter and pulled my cheeks. I gave him a confused look. "Stupid girl! Why would you cry for that? He must've been busy in his friend's house or in work. Maybe he is home by now."

Jin's words drove away every creepy thought from my head. I finally smiled. "You're right I am being too much dramatic. You're infectious, you know?" we both started laughing at my words.

"Are you hungry?"

I shyly nodded. We went to a café and had lunch. Finally, he dropped me home. I rushed into my house hoping to bear hug Oppa. But I was wrong. My happiness died. Perhaps I should wait for him.

I went to my room and lied down on my bed. I didn't realize when I drifted into sleep. I had a bad dream.


I found myself in the same dark alley where I was hit. The same events repeated. I got hit and turned back but this time I clearly saw the face of the man. It was KASUMI'S BODYGUARD! But why?

I sat upright with a jolt. My hands were shivering and my body was covered in cold sweat. I buried my head in my palms and breathe heavily. I need to tell it to Jimin!

I hurried down the staircase but Jimin was still not home. Now everything became clear to me. Kasumi was the root of all these mess. She is the reason for Jimin's disappearance. All of which I had assumed were true. Kasumi was never committed to him. And that unknown number, it has to be her! But why? Jimin had never done anything to her.

Why So Serious?✅   Yoongi X Reader (Feat. Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now