Chapter 9

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A/N & Y/N: Welcome back!


"Of course!......why?" His face bewildered.

"N-Nothing, I just wanted to check if my Oppa got a good girlfriend, that's it."

His facial expression relaxed. "Jill-ah. Don't worry, she is a good girl." He messed up my hair before going to his room.

Perhaps I am overthinking. I have no right to snatch away Jimin's happiness. I shook my head and went to my room, hoping to tease Mr. Ice a bit.

1-week latter

It has been a week. My parents will return the next Sunday. Yoongi and I are more open to each other and we are also quiet good friends. Well not to mention that he is still a grumpy kid and I am always pissing him off. But the fact is, he doesn't ignore me much.

I was in the 4th floor staffroom. I had come to take the notes from my class teacher, when the bell rang. Gosh! Next period was maths. Our teacher, Mr. Yeon, is very strict. He doesn't let anyone in the class after the bell. He is just like a beast sometimes. God, I am so dead! I quickly excused myself and hurried to my class.

I quickly descended down the staircase when my feet slipped. I was about to fall. I led out a cry and closed my eyes tightly, preparing myself to open them in the hospital. But someone held back my waist. He pulled me upwards and my back hit his chest. I was scared out of my mind. I turned around in a reflex and hugged the person. My heartbeat was loud enough to be heard.

I looked up and realized that that person was none other than Min Yoongi. Our eyes remained locked for some minutes then He shouted on my face,

"WHY ARE YOU SO CARELESS! What would have happened if I was not here?!" he was so angry.

"Eh....... Eh...he...he" I broke the hug with a childish smile. I felt so embarrassed. My face was already a tomato. "Mianhae... (sorry) and thank you..."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and slapped his forehead.

"Ah, Yoongi? Next period is Maths—"

Hearing me speak his eyes bulged out. "WHAT! We are so dead, Jill! I don't want to get punished because of you!" he ran down leaving me pissed off.

"What is my fault here! You're the one to come to me, not I! Aish, this boy." I chased him.

We reached the classroom and heard Mr. Yeon's voice from inside. We interchanged a quick glance and gulped. Suddenly I got an idea to escape punishment. I told it to him.

"No way! I am not going to do such a thing." He shrieked.

"Get punished then. I am going, bye bye..."

He had no other option but to follow me. I slowly opened the backdoor of the classroom. We crawled in.

"Arrghhh! This is so embarrassing." He complained in whisper.

"Shut up! Sir will hear you!" I whispered yelled.

"Why is the back door open?" I heard his footsteps approaching. We are doomed.

But suddenly Jungkook called him, "Sir, can you please show me how to solve the sum?"

Mr. Yeon went to him, completely forgetting about the back door. It was our chance. We slowly crept into our seats. Yoongi sighed in relief.

"It was the worst experience." He wiped off his sweat from his forehead.

"No, it was fun. Especially seeing you crawling like a cockroach."

Why So Serious?✅   Yoongi X Reader (Feat. Jimin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ