Chapter 7

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"I'll smack him on his face when he will open the door!" I spoke to myself as I ascended the elevator.

I stood in front of the door that read 'The Mins'. For some reason I was nervous. I took a deep breath and finally pressed the bell. After a minute or two, someone opened the door. I was so relieved to see Yoongi.

He wore green jacket and grey sweatpants. His hair was messy as if he was having his leisure hours. His skin was almost glowing under the tube light but he looked perfectly fine. His eyes widened at my unexpected visit.

"Why were you absent for two days?! And why didn't you reply me ?!" I unwillingly raised my voice.

A woman spoke from inside. "Who is it?"

"No one, its just a sales girl!" he shouted back. It was his mother.

"My mother is having fever. So please go away. I'm not willing to entertain your shits today." He tried to close the door but I pushed it open.

"Would it have costed you, your life if you had answered my calls?! I was worried sick of you! Why are you so stubborn, I thought—"

He didn't allow me to finish. He came dangerously close to me, looking straight through my soul. It was scary. I didn't see him this angry before. He spoke in a grave tone.

"I am not obliged to tell you what or why I do anything! Its none of your business. For God's sake Y/N, STOP BOTHERING ME! what have I ever done to you?! I hate clingy girls like you!" he turned around and closed the door on my face. I flinched at the sudden sound. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. He was so rude.

"What do you think of yourself! Do you think I care for you?! Huh, .... Min Yoongi, you don't know me well!"

The tears finally fell, as I stomped down the staircase.

* * * * *

I was sniffling and mumbling to myself as I left the apartment premises, when I saw someone familiar. It didn't take me time to recognize that it was Jimin.

"What was he doing here? Did he come to pick me?"

I was about to approach him when a car sped past me and stopped in front of my brother. A girl deboarded. He extended his hand which she accepted happily. Jimin's face also showed the glee.

I went behind the lamp post in the nearby alley. It was a dark place and no one was around. It helped me to remain concealed. I could see their actions but not the other way around.

The girl seemed to be pretty wealthy. There was a man in black suit around her. He might be her bodyguard. She gestured him to leave and the man drove away. Jimin leaned his back against his car as the girl approached. She gave him a bear hug which he returned without a hesitation. That's when it hit me, she is the one whom Jimin likes!

"What was her name?........Yes, Kasumi!"

But what are they doing here? Jimin could have just invited her for a dinner. Even our parents were not at home.

"When did he even ask her out? I'll get the word out of his stomach once I reach home." I bit my lower lip.

They were giggling and chatting about something which was inaudible to me. Then I saw something unexpected.

Jimin and Kasumi looked at each other into their eyes and then their lips smashed. My eyes popped and jaw dropped. Why only I witness all these?! Am I a kissing angel??

"First Jungkook and now my Oppa....... AAAAAA, WHAT ARE THEY DOING!!"

Kasumi was shorter than him and perhaps even me. As a result, she had a tough time on her tiptoes. Jimin slowly slipped his hand under her skirt and picked her up without breaking the kiss.

Why So Serious?✅   Yoongi X Reader (Feat. Jimin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ